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British Aircraft Losses and Production

Editor's Note: The following content is a transcription of a period document or a collection of period statistics. It may be incomplete, inaccurate, or biased. The reader may not wish to take the content as factual.

17 Aug 1940

USSRReference: 3/PPDT/T37


No: 90317th Aug. 40


1. A week of heavy air-raids has made little difference to the situation. A report from the FRIENDS [DRUZYA][i] indicates that civilian morale is relatively high. BEAVERBROOK [ii] stated to the MASTER of the METRO [KHOZYAIN METRO][iii] that in the period 14th-16th August 72 SPITFIRES were lost and in the same period 75 were received from the factories. 32 HURRICANES were lost and 50 received, together with 12 DEFIANTS, i.e. production is covering losses. He considers that the Me-109 is more maneuverable than the Me-110. Apparently the British are not about to introduce fighters with cannons because of the low rate of fire. THERAPEUTIST [TERAPEVT][iv], however, has reported that on his aerodrome a fighter [a] with 12 machine-guns and another [a] with cannons are being tried out. BEAVERBROOK stated that the SAUSAGE-DEALERS [KOLBASNIKI][v] would continue bombing for another one or two weeks, but would then cease in their attempt and would possibly reinforce Africa.

2. The aircraft factory in ROCHESTER has been destroyed. There is serious damage to the ports of SOUTHAMPTON and TILBURY. Part of the administrative wing [SLUZHENIYE POM...] and one hangar on CROYDON Aerodrome have been destroyed but the aerodrome [B% keeps going].

No. 231BARCh [vi]

Notes: [a] Or plural
Comments: [i] FRIENDS: members of the Communist Party.
 [ii] BEAVERBROOK: Lord BEAVERBROOK, then Minister of Aircraft Production.
 [iii] MASTER of the METRO: the Soviet Ambassador.
 [iv] THERAPEUTIST: Unidentified covername. See also MOSCOW's No. 450 of 7th September 1940, and LONDON's Nos. 882 of 14th August 1940, 990 of 17th August 1940 and 1107 of 3rd October 1940.
 [v] SAUSAGE-DEALERS: the Germans.
 [vi] BARCh: Possibly Simon Davidovich KREMER, whose official post was Secretary to the Soviet Military Attaché in LONDON. He was appointed in 1937 and is thought to have left sometime in 1946. The covername BARCh occurs as a LONDON signatory and addressee between 3rd March 1940 and 10th October 1940, after which it is superseded by the covername BRION.

United States National Security Agency

Added By:
C. Peter Chen

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