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World War II Database

Map of Anzio-Cassino area in Italy, 17 Jan-19 Feb 1944Map of Allied force dispositions at Anzio, Italy, 1 Feb 1944
Map of Anzio-Cassino area in Italy, 17 Jan-19 Feb 1944Map of Allied force dispositions at Anzio, Italy, 1 Feb 1944
Map of the Allied Operation Diadem plan for the Anzio, Italy area, May 1944Map of the Allied breakout from the Anzio, Italy beachhead and advance from the Gustav Line, May 1944
Map of the Allied Operation Diadem plan for the Anzio, Italy area, May 1944Map of the Allied breakout from the Anzio, Italy beachhead and advance from the Gustav Line, May 1944
Map of Allied advance toward Rome, Italy, 31 May-4 Jun 1944
Map of Allied advance toward Rome, Italy, 31 May-4 Jun 1944
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Famous WW2 Quote
"All right, they're on our left, they're on our right, they're in front of us, they're behind us... they can't get away this time."

Lt. Gen. Lewis B. "Chesty" Puller, at Guadalcanal

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