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World War II Database

21 items in this album on 2 pages.

Men of 161 Infantry Officer Cadet Training Unit of Royal Military College with 2-inch mortar, Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst, Berkshire, England, United Kingdom, 19402-inch mortar team of UK 2nd Warwickshire Regiment at Rumegies, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France, 22 Jan 1940
Men of 161 Infantry Officer Cadet Training Unit of Royal Military College with 2-inch mortar, Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst, Berkshire, England, United Kingdom, 19402-inch mortar team of UK 2nd Warwickshire Regiment at Rumegies, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France, 22 Jan 1940
Men of D Company, 2nd Sherwood Foresters, UK 1st Division in a forward trench near Roches, France, 1 Apr 1940; Lance Corporal L. J. Harris seen shavingUniversal Carrier Mk I of UK Duke of Cornwall
Men of D Company, 2nd Sherwood Foresters, UK 1st Division in a forward trench near Roches, France, 1 Apr 1940; Lance Corporal L. J. Harris seen shavingUniversal Carrier Mk I of UK Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry at Sussex Downs in southern England, United Kingdom, 18 Oct 1940
Belgian 2-inch mortar team in training, Wales, United Kingdom, 10 Feb 1941Norwegian Brigade 2-inch mortar team in training, Dumfries, Scotland, United Kingdom, 27 Jun 1941
Belgian 2-inch mortar team in training, Wales, United Kingdom, 10 Feb 1941Norwegian Brigade 2-inch mortar team in training, Dumfries, Scotland, United Kingdom, 27 Jun 1941
Sikh troops training with Bren guns and 2-inch mortar, western Egypt, 6 Aug 1941Rhodesian troops of 60th King
Sikh troops training with Bren guns and 2-inch mortar, western Egypt, 6 Aug 1941Rhodesian troops of 60th King's Royal Rifle Corps training with 2-inch mortar in North Africa, 12 May 1942, photo 1 of 2
Rhodesian troops of 60th KingInstructor showing men of UK Royal Welch Fusiliers how to fire a 2-inch mortar from the hip, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom, 21 Aug 1942
Rhodesian troops of 60th King's Royal Rifle Corps training with 2-inch mortar in North Africa, 12 May 1942, photo 2 of 2Instructor showing men of UK Royal Welch Fusiliers how to fire a 2-inch mortar from the hip, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom, 21 Aug 1942
British 2-inch mortar team, near Lewes, southern England, United Kingdom, 22 Aug 19422-inch mortar team of UK Royal Scots Fusiliers, Scotland, United Kingdom, 27 Aug 1942
British 2-inch mortar team, near Lewes, southern England, United Kingdom, 22 Aug 19422-inch mortar team of UK Royal Scots Fusiliers, Scotland, United Kingdom, 27 Aug 1942
2-inch mortar team of 1st Royal Ulster Rifles, UK 1st Airborne Division in Britain, 29 Aug 1942Manfred Barak and Avraham Kane of the Haganah firing a 2-inch mortar, Palestine, 1943
2-inch mortar team of 1st Royal Ulster Rifles, UK 1st Airborne Division in Britain, 29 Aug 1942Manfred Barak and Avraham Kane of the Haganah firing a 2-inch mortar, Palestine, 1943
A 2-inch mortar being fired from a Universal Carrier in Britain, 10 May 19432-inch mortar team in Britain, Mar 1944
A 2-inch mortar being fired from a Universal Carrier in Britain, 10 May 19432-inch mortar team in Britain, Mar 1944
Universal Carrier and crew of UK 2nd Sherwood Foresters regiment, Anzio, Italy, Apr 1944; note 2-inch mortar2-inch mortar team of 2nd Battalion, UK East Lancashire Regiment near Pinbaw, Dec 1944
Universal Carrier and crew of UK 2nd Sherwood Foresters regiment, Anzio, Italy, Apr 1944; note 2-inch mortar2-inch mortar team of 2nd Battalion, UK East Lancashire Regiment near Pinbaw, Dec 1944
A soldier of 1st Battalion, Rifle Brigade, UK 7th Armored Division firing a 2-inch mortar, northwestern Europe, 31 Dec 19442-inch mortar team of 2nd London Irish Rifles firing mortar rounds at German positions on Senio River, Italy, 22 Mar 1945
A soldier of 1st Battalion, Rifle Brigade, UK 7th Armored Division firing a 2-inch mortar, northwestern Europe, 31 Dec 19442-inch mortar team of 2nd London Irish Rifles firing mortar rounds at German positions on Senio River, Italy, 22 Mar 1945

21 items in this album on 2 pages.

Further Reading

Read more about Ordnance SBML 2-inch Mortar

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