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German Colonel Manhnke shaking hands with Hanna Reitsch, the only female competitor at the glider competition in the Rhön mountains region of Germany, 27 Aug 1936Hanna Reitsch in the cockpit of a glider, Germany, circa 1930s
German Colonel Manhnke shaking hands with Hanna Reitsch, the only female competitor at the glider competition in the Rhön mountains region of Germany, 27 Aug 1936Hanna Reitsch in the cockpit of a glider, Germany, circa 1930s
Hanna Reitsch piloting the Fw 61 helicopter V 2 D-EKRA, Germany, circa 1938Hanna Reitsch with a DFS Habicht glider during an air show in Kassel-Waldau, Germany, 17 Jul 1938
Hanna Reitsch piloting the Fw 61 helicopter V 2 D-EKRA, Germany, circa 1938Hanna Reitsch with a DFS Habicht glider during an air show in Kassel-Waldau, Germany, 17 Jul 1938
Hanna Reitsch with Technical Director of Fieseler Erich Bachem during an air show in Kassel-Waldau, Germany, 17 Jul 1938Adolf Hitler awarding Hanna Reitsch the Iron Cross 2nd Class medal, Mar 1941; Luftwaffe adjutant Nicolaus von Below, Hermann Göring, and Air Ministry LtGen Karl Bodenschatz in background
Hanna Reitsch with Technical Director of Fieseler Erich Bachem during an air show in Kassel-Waldau, Germany, 17 Jul 1938Adolf Hitler awarding Hanna Reitsch the Iron Cross 2nd Class medal, Mar 1941; Luftwaffe adjutant Nicolaus von Below, Hermann Göring, and Air Ministry LtGen Karl Bodenschatz in background
German Luftwaffe Flugkapitän Hanna Reitsch visiting her home town of Hirschberg, Germany, Mar-Apr 1941; note ReitschKarl Ritter and Hanna Reitsch in a glider, 1968
German Luftwaffe Flugkapitän Hanna Reitsch visiting her home town of Hirschberg, Germany, Mar-Apr 1941; note Reitsch's Iron Cross medal and the presence of local Gauleiter HankeKarl Ritter and Hanna Reitsch in a glider, 1968
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"An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last."

Winston Churchill

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