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Japanese artillery bombarding the Nanjing city wall, China, circa 12 Dec 1937Japanese soldier holding the severed head of a Chinese civilian, Nanjing, China, Dec 1937-Jan 1938
Japanese artillery bombarding the Nanjing city wall, China, circa 12 Dec 1937Japanese soldier holding the severed head of a Chinese civilian, Nanjing, China, Dec 1937-Jan 1938
Japanese troops attacking the Zhonghua Gate of the Nanjing city wall with a field gun, China, 12 Dec 1937Japanese Type 94 tankettes at the moment that the Zhonghua Gate of the Nanjing city wall was breached, Nanjing, China, 12 Dec 1937 at 1210 hours
Japanese troops attacking the Zhonghua Gate of the Nanjing city wall with a field gun, China, 12 Dec 1937Japanese Type 94 tankettes at the moment that the Zhonghua Gate of the Nanjing city wall was breached, Nanjing, China, 12 Dec 1937 at 1210 hours
Type 94 Te-Ke tankettes and infantry attacking a gate of the Nanjing city wall, China, circa 12 Dec 1937
Type 94 Te-Ke tankettes and infantry attacking a gate of the Nanjing city wall, China, circa 12 Dec 1937

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"Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few."

Winston Churchill, on the RAF

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