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World War II Database

72 items in this album on 4 pages.

Portrait of Second Lieutenant Lewis Puller, 1926US Marines in Nicaragua, Sep 1930. Lieutenants Chesty Puller, Avery Graves, Bill Lee, & Tom Lynch.
Portrait of Second Lieutenant Lewis Puller, 1926US Marines in Nicaragua, Sep 1930. Lieutenants Chesty Puller, Avery Graves, Bill Lee, & Tom Lynch.
Lewis Puller and members of the Nacaraguan National Guard Detachment, circa 1931Lewis Puller in Nicaragua, 1931
Lewis Puller and members of the Nacaraguan National Guard Detachment, circa 1931Lewis Puller in Nicaragua, 1931
Lewis Puller posing with a revolver, circa 1931US Marines Lewis Puller and William Lee with Nicaraguan National Guard Detachment members Carlos Gutierrez and Carmen Torrez, Nicaragua, circa 1931
Lewis Puller posing with a revolver, circa 1931US Marines Lewis Puller and William Lee with Nicaraguan National Guard Detachment members Carlos Gutierrez and Carmen Torrez, Nicaragua, circa 1931
Lewis Puller leading Company M in a parade, Nicaragua, Sep 1932Formal portrait of Lewis Puller, 1932-33
Lewis Puller leading Company M in a parade, Nicaragua, Sep 1932Formal portrait of Lewis Puller, 1932-33
Marine Captain Chesty Puller in Shanghai, China, 1933Crew of USS Augusta, Shanghai, China, 6 Apr 1935; note Chester Nimitz front row just left of the life preserver and Lewis Puller in front row, third from right
Marine Captain Chesty Puller in Shanghai, China, 1933Crew of USS Augusta, Shanghai, China, 6 Apr 1935; note Chester Nimitz front row just left of the life preserver and Lewis Puller in front row, third from right
Lewis Puller (front row, third from left) and fellow officers of 2nd Battalion, US 4th Marine Regiment, Shanghai, China, 1941Lewis Puller dressed as Davy Jones during a line-crossing ceremony aboard USS Fuller, Apr 1942
Lewis Puller (front row, third from left) and fellow officers of 2nd Battalion, US 4th Marine Regiment, Shanghai, China, 1941Lewis Puller dressed as Davy Jones during a line-crossing ceremony aboard USS Fuller, Apr 1942
Marine Lt Col Chesty Puller in his command post on Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands, Sep 1942.Lewis Puller on Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands, 1942
Marine Lt Col Chesty Puller in his command post on Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands, Sep 1942.Lewis Puller on Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands, 1942
Lewis Puller and Joseph Buckley receiving the Navy Cross award, 1944The senior staff of the 7th Marines on Cape Gloucester, New Britain, Jan 10 1944. Chesty Puller is the second from the left.
Lewis Puller and Joseph Buckley receiving the Navy Cross award, 1944The senior staff of the 7th Marines on Cape Gloucester, New Britain, Jan 10 1944. Chesty Puller is the second from the left.
Marine Col Chesty Puller greets a Navy Admiral at the 1st Marines command post on Peleliu, Sep 18 1944.Col Chesty Puller, Commander of Marine Infantry Training Regiment at Camp Lajeune, North Carolina, USA, July 1945
Marine Col Chesty Puller greets a Navy Admiral at the 1st Marines command post on Peleliu, Sep 18 1944.Col Chesty Puller, Commander of Marine Infantry Training Regiment at Camp Lajeune, North Carolina, USA, July 1945
Alexander Vandegrift and Lewis Puller, circa 1946Lewis Puller, US Territory of Hawaii, circa 1946
Alexander Vandegrift and Lewis Puller, circa 1946Lewis Puller, US Territory of Hawaii, circa 1946

72 items in this album on 4 pages.

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Famous WW2 Quote
"All that silly talk about the advance of science and such leaves me cold. Give me peace and a retarded science."

Thomas Dodd, late 1945

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