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World War II Database

31 items in this album on 2 pages.

Bernard Montgomery, Dwight Eisenhower, Georgi Zhukov, and Jean de Lattre de Tassigny in Berlin, Germany, 5 Jun 1945Dwight Eisenhower, Georgi Zhukov, Bernard Montgomery, and Jean de Lattre de Tassigny at a feast in Berlin, Germany, 5 Jun 1945
Bernard Montgomery, Dwight Eisenhower, Georgi Zhukov, and Jean de Lattre de Tassigny in Berlin, Germany, 5 Jun 1945Dwight Eisenhower, Georgi Zhukov, Bernard Montgomery, and Jean de Lattre de Tassigny at a feast in Berlin, Germany, 5 Jun 1945
Georgy Zhukov at the Red Square victory parade, Moscow, Russia, 24 Jun 1945; note Chinese attaché Guo Dequan in backgroundBernard Montgomery and Georgy Zhukov saluting UK 7th Armoured Division during the parade at Brandenburg Gate, Berlin, Germany, 12 Jul 1945
Georgy Zhukov at the Red Square victory parade, Moscow, Russia, 24 Jun 1945; note Chinese attaché Guo Dequan in backgroundBernard Montgomery and Georgy Zhukov saluting UK 7th Armoured Division during the parade at Brandenburg Gate, Berlin, Germany, 12 Jul 1945
Bernard Montgomery awarding Georgy Zhukov Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath at the Brandenburg Gate, Berlin, Germany, 12 Jul 1945Bernard Montgomery awarding Konstantin Rokossovsky Knight Commander of the British Empire, Brandenburg Gate, Berlin, Germany, 12 Jul 1945
Bernard Montgomery awarding Georgy Zhukov Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath at the Brandenburg Gate, Berlin, Germany, 12 Jul 1945Bernard Montgomery awarding Konstantin Rokossovsky Knight Commander of the British Empire, Brandenburg Gate, Berlin, Germany, 12 Jul 1945
Georgi Zhukov, Konstantin Rokossovsky, and other Soviet officers greeting Bernard Montgomery and other British officers at the Brandenburg Gate, Berlin, Germany, 12 Jul 1945Georgy Zhukov, Bernard Montgomery, Konstantin Rokossovsky, and Vasily Sokolovsky (rear row, between Montgomery and Rokossovsky) in Berlin, Germany, 12 Jul 1945; note Brandenburg Gate in background
Georgi Zhukov, Konstantin Rokossovsky, and other Soviet officers greeting Bernard Montgomery and other British officers at the Brandenburg Gate, Berlin, Germany, 12 Jul 1945Georgy Zhukov, Bernard Montgomery, Konstantin Rokossovsky, and Vasily Sokolovsky (rear row, between Montgomery and Rokossovsky) in Berlin, Germany, 12 Jul 1945; note Brandenburg Gate in background
Konstantin Rokossovsky, Bernard Montgomery, and Georgy Zhukov reviewing a parade at Brandenburg Gate, Berlin, Germany, 12 Jul 1945Lewis Lyne, Bernard Montgomery, Georgy Zhukov, Vasily Sokolovsky, and Konstantin Rokossovsky on the parade reviewing stand at Brandenburg Gate, Berlin, Germany, 12 Jul 1945
Konstantin Rokossovsky, Bernard Montgomery, and Georgy Zhukov reviewing a parade at Brandenburg Gate, Berlin, Germany, 12 Jul 1945Lewis Lyne, Bernard Montgomery, Georgy Zhukov, Vasily Sokolovsky, and Konstantin Rokossovsky on the parade reviewing stand at Brandenburg Gate, Berlin, Germany, 12 Jul 1945
George Patton and Georgy Zhukov, Berlin, Germany, 7 Sep 1945
George Patton and Georgy Zhukov, Berlin, Germany, 7 Sep 1945

31 items in this album on 2 pages.

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"All right, they're on our left, they're on our right, they're in front of us, they're behind us... they can't get away this time."

Lt. Gen. Lewis B. "Chesty" Puller, at Guadalcanal

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