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World War II Database

123 items in this album on 7 pages.

Governor General of Canada and Earl of Athlone Alexander Cambridge, US President Franklin Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and Canadian Prime Minister Mackenzie King at the Quebec Conference, Canada, 12 Sep 1944US President Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman, and Vice President Henry Wallace in a car, en route from Union Station to Capitol, Washington DC, United States, 10 Nov 1944
Governor General of Canada and Earl of Athlone Alexander Cambridge, US President Franklin Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and Canadian Prime Minister Mackenzie King at the Quebec Conference, Canada, 12 Sep 1944US President Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman, and Vice President Henry Wallace in a car, en route from Union Station to Capitol, Washington DC, United States, 10 Nov 1944
Letter from Franklin Roosevelt to Vannevar Bush asking him to address four points for postwar scientific development, 17 Nov 1944. Page 1 of 2.Letter from Franklin Roosevelt to Vannevar Bush asking him to address four points for postwar scientific development, 17 Nov 1944. Page 2 of 2.
Letter from Franklin Roosevelt to Vannevar Bush asking him to address four points for postwar scientific development, 17 Nov 1944. Page 1 of 2.Letter from Franklin Roosevelt to Vannevar Bush asking him to address four points for postwar scientific development, 17 Nov 1944. Page 2 of 2.
President Franklin Roosevelt during his inauguration ceremony on the west portico of the White House, Washington DC, United States, 20 Jan 1945. Note Harry Truman seated on the dias.Franklin Roosevelt and Winston Churchill meeting at Malta aboard USS Quincy, 2 Feb 1945 in advance of the Yalta Conference with Joseph Stalin. With them are their daughters, Anna Boettiger and Sarah Oliver.
President Franklin Roosevelt during his inauguration ceremony on the west portico of the White House, Washington DC, United States, 20 Jan 1945. Note Harry Truman seated on the dias.Franklin Roosevelt and Winston Churchill meeting at Malta aboard USS Quincy, 2 Feb 1945 in advance of the Yalta Conference with Joseph Stalin. With them are their daughters, Anna Boettiger and Sarah Oliver.
Franklin Roosevelt speaking with Harry Hopkins, Saki, Russia, early Feb 1945US President Franklin D Roosevelt surveying troops on Malta in Dwight Eisenhower
Franklin Roosevelt speaking with Harry Hopkins, Saki, Russia, early Feb 1945US President Franklin D Roosevelt surveying troops on Malta in Dwight Eisenhower's personal Jeep 'Husky', 2 Feb 1945; note special modification that allowed Roosevelt to sit straight and tall
Roosevelt, Churchill, and Molotov at Yalta, Russia (now Ukraine), 3 Feb 1945; note Ford GPW JeepThe conference table for the Yalta Conference, Feb 1945. Note Stalin, Roosevelt, and Churchill along with other officials seated around the table.
Roosevelt, Churchill, and Molotov at Yalta, Russia (now Ukraine), 3 Feb 1945; note Ford GPW JeepThe conference table for the Yalta Conference, Feb 1945. Note Stalin, Roosevelt, and Churchill along with other officials seated around the table.
Churchill, Roosevelt, and Stalin at the Livadia Palace in Yalta, Russia (now Ukraine), Feb 1945, photo 1 of 4Churchill, Roosevelt, and Stalin at the Livadia Palace in Yalta, Russia (now Ukraine), Feb 1945, photo 2 of 4
Churchill, Roosevelt, and Stalin at the Livadia Palace in Yalta, Russia (now Ukraine), Feb 1945, photo 1 of 4Churchill, Roosevelt, and Stalin at the Livadia Palace in Yalta, Russia (now Ukraine), Feb 1945, photo 2 of 4
Churchill, Roosevelt, and Stalin at the Livadia Palace in Yalta, Russia (now Ukraine), Feb 1945, photo 3 of 4Churchill, Roosevelt, and Stalin at the Livadia Palace in Yalta, Russia (now Ukraine), Feb 1945, photo 4 of 4
Churchill, Roosevelt, and Stalin at the Livadia Palace in Yalta, Russia (now Ukraine), Feb 1945, photo 3 of 4Churchill, Roosevelt, and Stalin at the Livadia Palace in Yalta, Russia (now Ukraine), Feb 1945, photo 4 of 4
Emperor Haile Selassie I of Ethiopia and President Franklin Roosevelt of the United States aboard USS Quincy, Great Bitter Lake, Egypt, 13 Feb 1945US President Franklin Roosevelt and King Farouk of Egypt aboard USS Quincy in the Great Bitter Lake, Egypt, 13 Feb 1945
Emperor Haile Selassie I of Ethiopia and President Franklin Roosevelt of the United States aboard USS Quincy, Great Bitter Lake, Egypt, 13 Feb 1945US President Franklin Roosevelt and King Farouk of Egypt aboard USS Quincy in the Great Bitter Lake, Egypt, 13 Feb 1945
Franklin Roosevelt and King Abdul-Aziz (Ibn Saud) of Saudi Arabia aboard USS Quincy, Great Bitter Lake, Egypt, 14 Feb 1945. The King is speaking to the interpreter, Marine Corps Colonel William A. Eddy (kneeling), minister to Saudi ArabiaJohn Winant, Franklin Roosevelt, Edward Stettinius, and Harry Hopkins aboard USS Quincy, Great Bitter Lake, Egypt, 14 Feb 1945
Franklin Roosevelt and King Abdul-Aziz (Ibn Saud) of Saudi Arabia aboard USS Quincy, Great Bitter Lake, Egypt, 14 Feb 1945. The King is speaking to the interpreter, Marine Corps Colonel William A. Eddy (kneeling), minister to Saudi ArabiaJohn Winant, Franklin Roosevelt, Edward Stettinius, and Harry Hopkins aboard USS Quincy, Great Bitter Lake, Egypt, 14 Feb 1945
Funeral procession of Roosevelt, Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, DC, United States, 14 Apr 1945The Ship’s Chaplain leads a memorial service for President Franklin D Roosevelt on the flight deck of the training aircraft carrier USS Sable on Lake Michigan, United States, c. Apr 15 1945.
Funeral procession of Roosevelt, Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, DC, United States, 14 Apr 1945The Ship’s Chaplain leads a memorial service for President Franklin D Roosevelt on the flight deck of the training aircraft carrier USS Sable on Lake Michigan, United States, c. Apr 15 1945.

123 items in this album on 7 pages.

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"Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few."

Winston Churchill, on the RAF

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