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PZL.37/II prototype, Poland, circa 1937

Caption     PZL.37/II prototype, Poland, circa 1937 ww2dbase
Photographer    Unknown
Source    ww2dbaseWikimedia Commons
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Photo Size 600 x 207 pixels
Photos at Same Place Poland
Added By C. Peter Chen
Licensing  This work is believed to be in the public domain.

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Visitor Submitted Comments

1. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
9 Jan 2010 03:41:15 PM

PZL.37 This is the Second Prototype Aircraft
Over 120 aircraft were built. No PZL.37 Los
survive today.
2. Gemini says:
27 Mar 2011 12:16:11 PM

There were some PZL.37 bombers that survived WWII i Russia. Don't know what happend with them...
3. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
14 Apr 2011 07:45:50 PM

About 90 PZL.37s were in service with the Polish Air Force, at the time of the German attack on September 1, 1939.
Survivors flew to Romania, and were interned
and used by that air force.
Before the Germans could capture the factory
polish workers scrapped about 30 aircraft on the production line.
The Romanian Air Force lost the rest to
anti-aircraft fire and operational accidents
and the lack of spare parts, the rest were used for training the last five PZL.37s were destroyed by the Germans bombing the airfield, after Romania joined the Allies on Sept.1, 1944.

The Germans captured two aircraft and were evaluated and tested. A few PZL.37s found their way to the USSR and were tested, if one
survived in the USSR, its possible for years
stories have been floating around about the
North American B-25B Mitchell the landed at
Vladivostok, USSR Apr.18, 1942 the crew was interned for 13 months.
Some reports state the B-25B was used by the USSR, and scrapped in the 1950s.
During World War II, the Russians captured
a number of Luftwaffe aircraft and tested them along with lend-lease aircraft, after
WWII the aircraft were scrapped its possible
one PZL.37 could have been among them.

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