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Adolf Hitler (seated, first from right) with other men of the Bavarian Reserve Infantry Regiment 16, 1914-1918

Caption     Adolf Hitler (seated, first from right) with other men of the Bavarian Reserve Infantry Regiment 16, 1914-1918 ww2dbase
Photographer    Unknown
Source    ww2dbaseGerman Federal Archives
Identification Code   Bild 146-1974-082-44
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Photo Size 800 x 641 pixels
Added By C. Peter Chen
Licensing  Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 Germany License (CC BY-SA 3.0 DE).

See Bild 146-1974-082-44 on Wikimedia Commons

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Visitor Submitted Comments

1. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
2 Apr 2012 02:40:28 PM

Every German Soldier dring WWI,was issued an ID tag or Erkennungsmarke (Dog Tag) Hitler was serial number 148, 1st.Company of the 16th.Bavarian Reserve Infantry Regiment
2. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
16 Jun 2015 11:40:20 AM


Hitler enlisted in the German Army August 16, 1914, and was sent to the 16th Bavarian Reserve
Regiment. At the time of his enlistment, he also
received basic training with this regiment.
Trained as an infantrymen and later assigned to the 1st. Company.
He was later to become one of the regiments messengers, and proved himself a capable soldier and awarded the Iron Cross 2nd Class
and held the rank of Lance Corporal.
He was wounded twice and was later exposed to mustard gas and was in the hospital at wars end.


Hitler was issued the standard M1910 field gray uniform, jackboots and the M1907-1915 field cap this uniform changed little from the 19th Century only in color from blue to field gray.


Like all soldiers in the German Army, Hitler was trained on the standard infantry weapon, the
Mauser 98, 7.92 x 57mm bolt-action rifle with
five round internal box magazine, the bayonet was 24 inches long, later shortened in length.

Load bearing equipment back pack w/bedroll,
M1907 water bottle, bread bag, shovel, Y straps,
field dressing, rations, M1895 leather belt with buckle and belt w/three ammo pouches each side that held 15 rounds to a pouch total was 90 rounds with another 150 rounds in the backpack. Troops were also issued hand grenades.

In 1914 standard issue helmet was the leather Pickelhaube at the front, troops had a canvas cover over the helmet with the regiments number (16) printed in large numbers this for
the 16th Bavarian Reserve.
Troops were later issued the M1916 Stahlhelm that provided more head and neck protection over the Pickelhaube helmet.

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