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B-25 bombers under construction at North American Aviation's plant in Inglewood, California, United States, 1942

Caption     B-25 bombers under construction at North American Aviation's plant in Inglewood, California, United States, 1942 ww2dbase
Source    ww2dbaseUnited States Library of Congress
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Photo Size 991 x 707 pixels
Added By C. Peter Chen
Licensing  This work is believed to be in the public domain.

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Visitor Submitted Comments

1. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
19 Mar 2012 10:56:35 PM

Looks like B-25C Models on assembly line to speed production, North American built the bombers in sections.
In the photo, you can see the forward fuselage with inner wing sections. Aircraft were moved outdoors to install the outer wings, final assembly the weather in Southern California was ideal for working outside most of the year.
2. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
22 Sep 2015 01:25:40 PM


Did you know that a B-25 had over 160,000 parts
and was constructed with over 150,000 rivets not counting the engines, propellers and other aircraft systems and armament. By 1943 the US was producing 7,000 aircraft per month, and jumped to 9,000 aircraft per month by 1944.


Most aircraft world-wide were constructed much the same way, in all the major industrial countries. Aircraft were now made from light aluminum with metal assemblies, and were assembled on a jig this structure held the wings, fuselage and other components while the aircraft is being built.
Structural components were the wing spars, stringers, bulkheads, ribs, frames that were covered with aluminum skin and riveted together cockpit canopies made from plexiglass and armored glass. Flight controls were fabric covered lightning holes were cut into the support structure to save weight. Aircraft were built in sub assemblies for faster production time this was done through different sub-contractors who
manufactured both large and small parts along with the miles of electrical wiring. Millions of unsung man and women worked three shifts to produce the material and weapons of war needed for final victory over the Axis powers...

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