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World War II Database

11 Dec 1943
  • The USAAF, including the 306th Bomb Group flying from RAF Thurleigh, bombed Emden, Germany, while 18 RAF Mosquito aircraft attacked Duisburg, Germany. ww2dbase [Bombing of Hamburg, Dresden, and Other Cities | RAF Thurleigh | CPC]
  • Light carrier Ryuho departed Singapore. ww2dbase [Ryuho | CPC]
  • Francis Gabreski's aircraft engine was pierced by a 20-millimeter cannon shell from a German Bf 109 fighter. The shell failed to exploded, but destroyed the turbocharger nevertheless. The Bf 109 fighter pressed on, scoring another hit and temporarily stopped the engine. Gabreski was able to restart the engine by diving to low altitude, and then successfully making his escape. ww2dbase [Francis Gabreski | CPC]
Australia Australian Papua
  • 65th Bomb Squadron (flying B-24 aircraft) of USAAF 43rd Bomb Group and 80th Fighter Squadron (flying P-38 aircraft) of USAAF 8th Fighter Group were transferred from Port Moresby to Dobodura Airfield, Australian Papua. ww2dbase [Dobodura Airfield | Dobodura | CPC]
Hawaii Italy
  • The Canadian attack in "The Gully" region in Italy was met with resistance, suffering heavy casualties. ww2dbase [Advance to the Gustav Line | CPC]
New Hebrides Pacific Ocean
  • USS Pompon sank two small Japanese boats in the South China Sea with her deck gun. ww2dbase [Pompon | South China Sea | CPC]
Photo(s) dated 11 Dec 1943
US Navy Rear Admiral Aaron S. Merrill receiving the Navy Cross award from Vice Admiral Aubrey W. Fitch on the after deck of USS Montpelier, Tulagi Harbor, Solomon Islands, 11 Dec 1943

11 Dec 1943 Interactive Map

Timeline Section Founder: Thomas Houlihan
Contributors: Alan Chanter, C. Peter Chen, Thomas Houlihan, Hugh Martyr, David Stubblebine
Special Thanks: Rory Curtis

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"We no longer demand anything, we want war."

Joachim von Ribbentrop, German Foreign Minister, Aug 1939

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