6 Oct 1942
- German III.Panzer Korps captured Malgobek on the Terek River in the Caucasus in southern Russia. Far to the west, German troops also captured Novorossiysk. ww2dbase [Caucasus Campaign | TH]
- British corvette HMS Crocus spotted German submarine U-333 running on the surface 60 miles off Freetown, British West Africa and attacked by ramming and gunfire, heavily damaging U-333. U-333 was able to dive and eventually escape after sundown. ww2dbase [CPC]
- USS Ranger arrived at Grassy Bay, Bermuda. ww2dbase [Ranger | Port Royal Bay | DS]
- In Egypt, Lieutenant-General Bernard Montgomery issued his final plan for 8th Army's offensive. Instead of first going all out to destroy the enemy armour, he would eat away at the enemy's holding troops, who were for the most part unarmoured, and use his own advantage in tanks to prevent the enemy mobile units from interfering. Without their infantry divisions to hold the line, providing firm bases for the mobile forces, the enemy's armour would be at a grave disadvantage and their supply routes would be constantly threatened. The main attack would be made by Lieutenant-General Oliver Leese's 30th Corps in the north on a front of four divisions. Brian Horrocks' 13th Corps in the south would stage diversionary attacks to mislead the enemy, while Herbert Lumsden's tank-heavy 10th Corps was held back to prevent 30th Corps from being interfered with. Artillery and air plans were to be carefully prepared with the battle set to commence on 23 Oct 1942. ww2dbase [Second Battle of El Alamein | Bernard Montgomery | AC]
- U-132 departed La Pallice, France for her fourth war patrol. ww2dbase [U-132 | La Rochelle, Poitou-Charentes | CPC]
- Leonardo da Vinci departed Bordeaux, France at 1510 hours and sailed northward down the Gironde estuary, arriving at Le Verdon-sur-Mer, France at 1730 hours. ww2dbase [Leonardo da Vinci | Bordeaux, Aquitaine | CPC]
- USAAF 4th Antisubmarine Squadron, operating B-18 Bolo bombers, arrived at Edinburgh Field in Trinidad. ww2dbase [Carlsen Field | Chaguanas | CPC]
- Yekaterina Budanova shot down a Ju 88 bomber over Stalingrad, Russia. ww2dbase [Yekaterina Budanova | Stalingrad | CPC]
- German Luftwaffe unit I./KG 100 (flying He 111 bombers) was transferred from Morozovskaya, Russia to Saki, Russia to support the Caucasus offensive. ww2dbase [Caucasus Campaign | Morozovskaya, Rostov | CPC]
- Mikhail Dukhanov was made the commanding officer of the Soviet Neva Operational Group. ww2dbase [Mikhail Dukhanov | CPC]
- The District Court for the Eastern District of Tennessee, United States issued an order to take possession of land for Site X of the Manhattan Project. ww2dbase [Operation Trinity and Manhattan Project | Clinton Engineer Works | Tennessee | CPC]
- USS Ancon arrived at Baltimore, Maryland, United States and disembarked passengers she had embarked in Norfolk, Virginia, United States. ww2dbase [Ancon | Baltimore, Maryland | CPC]
- After sunset off Cape Sebastian, Oregon, Japanese submarine I-25 made a torpedo attack on the 7,000-ton Richfield Oil tanker SS Larry Doheny en route from Long Beach, California to Portland, Oregon with 66,000 barrels of oil. I-25 fired one torpedo but missed. The submarine surfaced and began a stern chase in the darkness. I-25 briefly lost sight of the darkened ship and when the ship reappeared, I-25 was right on top of the tanker. Another torpedo was fired that ran for only 18 second before exploding against the ship opening a 14-foot hole in the hull. With I-25 so close, the explosion also shook the submarine and showered her decks with fragments. Six men aboard Larry Doheny were killed and a massive fire raged on board. The 40 remaining crew abandoned ship before it sank. I-25 withdrew and headed north. The survivors of Larry Doheny’s crew were rescued the following morning. ww2dbase [Japanese Attacks on the Continental United States | Cape Sebastian, Oregon | DS]

6 Oct 1942 Interactive Map
Timeline Section Founder: Thomas Houlihan
Contributors: Alan Chanter, C. Peter Chen, Thomas Houlihan, Hugh Martyr, David Stubblebine
Special Thanks: Rory Curtis
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