30 Sep 1945

See all photos dated 30 Sep 1945
- In Kandy, Ceylon, French representative Pierre Clarac demanded Prince Wiwatthanachai of Thailand to transfer the Emerald Buddha to Cambodia. The treasure was catured by Thai troops in 1432 in Angkor Wat during the fall of the Khmer Empire, and Cambodian nationalists had sought for its return. ww2dbase [Kandy | CPC]
- US Marines landed in Tanggu, Tianjin, China and began to move toward Beiping. ww2dbase [Tianjin | CPC]
- Du Yuming gave the order to launch a surprise attack against General Long Yun in Kunming, Yunnan Province, China, forcing Long to flee to the high ground at Wuhua Mountain, where he would soon surrender. ww2dbase [Du Yuming | Kunming, Yunnan | CPC]
- Chengdu Airfield in Sichuan Province, China was closed. ww2dbase [Chengdu Airfield | Chengdu, Sichuan | CPC]
- The Chenggong Airfield in Kunming, Yunnan Province, China ceased operations. ww2dbase [Chenggong Airfield | Kunming, Yunnan | CPC]
- Milton Miles was officially relieved of his command of the US Navy Naval Group China, and his rank was reverted to the peace time rank of captain. ww2dbase [Milton Miles | CPC]
- British troops entered Jakarta, Java, Dutch East Indies. They were mostly consisted of men of Gurkha and Indian ethnicity, and were tasked to maintain peace, largely against pro-Indonesia rioters. ww2dbase [Jakarta, Java | CPC]
- A Vietnamese delegation from the anti-communist Revolutionary League met with Chinese General Xiao Wen; although sympathetic, Xiao could not act due to restrictions applied by his superior. ww2dbase [CPC]
- In an attempt to curb the violent clashes between Nationalist and communist factions, the British Military Administration in Hong Kong had been working with both sides. On this date, the communists agreed to pull out of Hong Kong, thus fighting would continue only beyond the British colonial border. Propaganda efforts and the promotion of extreme left wing elements, however, would continue for decades to come. ww2dbase [CPC]
- I-401's crew was disbanded by the Americans. All officers and men went back into the civilian population, including the few who had committed war crimes. ww2dbase [I-401 | CPC]
- Kirill Meretskov was awarded the For the Victory over Japan medal. ww2dbase [Kirill Meretskov | CPC]
- A captured Me 262 jet fighter flew over Freeman Field in Indiana, United States with test pilot Harold Watson in the cockpit. The flight was observed by German test pilot Karl Bauer. ww2dbase [Me 262 Schwalbe | Seymour, Indiana | CPC]
- Camp Aliceville in Aliceville, Alabama, United States ceased operations. ww2dbase [Camp Aliceville | Aliceville, Alabama | CPC]
- USS Ranger departed San Diego bound for the Panama Canal. ww2dbase [Ranger | San Diego, California | DS]

See all photos dated 30 Sep 1945
30 Sep 1945 Interactive Map
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