27 Jul 1944

- Meteor F.Mk I jet fighters of No. 616 Squadron based at Manston in Kent, England, United Kingdom performed their first V-1 intercept mission. ww2dbase [Meteor | V-Weapons Campaign | AC]
- USS Rock changed course for Pearl Harbor, US Territory of Hawaii. ww2dbase [Rock | CPC]
- USS Snook fired 6 torpedoes at a Japanese freighter; all torpedoes missed. ww2dbase [Snook | CPC]
- Sunfish (S-class) was decommissioned from service. ww2dbase [Sunfish (S-class) | CPC]
- USS Pompon sank a Japanese trawler off Japan with her deck gun. ww2dbase [Pompon | CPC]
- Israel Fisanovich was killed when his submarine V-1, which was very recently British submarine HMS Sunfish, was destroyed in a friendly fire incident in the Norwegian Sea at the hands of a Liberator bomber of No. 86 Squadron of the British RAF Coastal Command. ww2dbase [Israel Fisanovich | Norwegian Sea | CPC]
- Landing ship No. 150 was sunk by US aircraft off Palau Islands. ww2dbase [No. 101/103-class | Palau | CPC]
- While flying with the elite 433rd Fighter Squadron, 475th Fighter Group, US 5th Air Force, the famous American civilian aviator Charles Lindbergh, who was only there to demonstrate effective ways of increasing the range of the P-38 fighter, accounted for a Japanese Ki-51 aircraft near Ceram Island (now spelled Seram), Dutch East Indies. The Japanese aircraft was piloted by Captain Saburo Shimada, the commanding officer of the 73rd Independent Squadron. The 433rd Fighter Squadron commander, Colonel Charles Macdonald, would later receive quite a rocket from Fifth Air Force HQ when they heard that such a distinguished civilian had been allowed to participate in a combat mission. ww2dbase [Ceram, Malaku | AC, CPC]
- US 7th Division conducted a parade for US President Franklin Roosevelt and General Douglas MacArthur on Oahu, US Territory of Hawaii. ww2dbase [Pacific Strategy Conference | Oahu | CPC]
- Casablanca-class escort carrier USS Sargent Bay arrived at Majuro, Marshall Islands. ww2dbase [Sargent Bay | Majuro | DS]
- USS S-38 departed Espiritu Santo, New Hebrides. ww2dbase [S-38 | Espiritu Santo | CPC]
- USS Dace (SS-247) attacked a Japanese convoy and sank the 1,192-ton fleet tanker Kyoei Maru No. 2 in the Celebes Sea 90 miles south of Zamboanga, Philippines. 10 torpedoes were expended; 5 hit. ww2dbase [Dace | Celebes Sea | HM]
- Bialystok in Poland, Dunaburg (Daugavpils) in Latvia, and Lviv in Ukraine were captured by Soviet forces; meanwhile, a major bridgehead was also established across the Vistula River near Magnuszew, Poland. ww2dbase [Operation Bagration | Bialystok | TH]
- 24 people were killed when a V-1 flying bomb fell onto Church Road in Beckenham, London, England, United Kingdom; it impacted by the road and graveyard by the St George's Church and caused major damage and unearthing graves. Others fell in Norwood elsewhere in London, killing 6 and bringing down houses. A stray flying bomb impacted near the town of Mosstofta in Sweden, causing little damage and no casualties. It was unclear where this bomb was launched from; it could have been from a training flight by III KG/3 or from the research area at Peenemünde, Germany. ww2dbase [V-Weapons Campaign | Vergeltungswaffe 1 | London, England | HM]

27 Jul 1944 Interactive Map
Timeline Section Founder: Thomas Houlihan
Contributors: Alan Chanter, C. Peter Chen, Thomas Houlihan, Hugh Martyr, David Stubblebine
Special Thanks: Rory Curtis
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