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22 Apr 1941
  • British warships bombarded Tripoli, Libya. On the return trip, battleship HMS Valiant hit a mine and was lightly damaged. ww2dbase [Valiant | CPC]
  • Erwin Rommel received the Gold Medal of Military Valor in Silver. ww2dbase [Erwin Rommel | CPC]
  • The US Congress passed an act that would increase the authorized enlisted strength of the US Navy and the US Marine Corps; the latter's active list was to be 20% of the former. ww2dbase [CPC]
  • The Soviet Union protested to Germany regarding border violations by German troops and aircraft. Among the evidence presented was a downed German aircraft in Soviet territory which contained maps of the Soviet Union, aerial photographic equipment, and rolls exposed film. The Soviets, however, remained generally friendly toward Germany. ww2dbase [Operation Barbarossa | CPC]
  • Erich Raeder reported to Adolf Hitler regarding American belligerency despite of neutrality pledges. ww2dbase [Erich Raeder | CPC]
  • Kapitänleutnant Wolfgang Römer was made the commanding officer of U-56, relieving Werner Pfeifer. ww2dbase [U-56 | CPC]
Atlantic Ocean
  • Maggiore Baracca sighted a light in the Atlantic Ocean at 2300 hours, and the crew determined it to be from an anti-submarine vessel. ww2dbase [Maggiore Baracca | CPC]
  • Comandante Cappellini was informed of a nearby Allied convoy in the Atlantic Ocean, but she would fail to locate it. ww2dbase [Comandante Cappellini | CPC]
Ethiopia Greece
  • German aircraft attacked British-controlled airfields near Athens, Greece, forcing remaining British fighters in the region to be withdrawn to Argos in southern Greece. In the Saronic Gulf, German dive bombers sank Greek minelayer Aliakmon, hospital ship Sokratis, 11 freighters, and 1 tanker. At 1800 hours, 35 German dive bombers sank Greek destroyer Hydra at Piraeus; 41 were killed, 115 survived. Further south, German aircraft damaged cruiser HMS York at Suda Bay, Crete with near misses. Finally, on the same day, Yugoslavian torpedo boats Kajmakcalan and Durmitor arrived at Suda Bay and joined the Allied fleet. ww2dbase [York | Balkans Campaign | CPC]
  • Australian troops raided Axis positions surrounding Tobruk, Libya, capturing 455 Italian prisoners of war and destroying a number of field guns and anti-aircraft guns. 27 Australians were killed and 28 were wounded in this action. From above, German aircraft bombed Tobruk harbor, hitting British hospital ship Vita, forcing the 437 patients, 6 doctors, and 6 nurses to be evacuated. ww2dbase [Siege of Tobruk | Tobruk | CPC]
United Kingdom
  • Light cruiser HMS Birmingham arrived at Scapa Flow, Scotland, United Kingdom at 0602 hours after completing escort duties which began on 8 Feb. ww2dbase [Birmingham | Scapa Flow | Scapa Flow, Scotland | CPC]
United States Yugoslavia
  • The British submarine HMS Regent arrived at the Bay of Kotor in the Adriatic Sea off Montenegro, Yugoslavia. She entered the bay with colours flying only to find that the Germans had overrun the area and given control to the Italians. Lieutenant Commander H. C. Browne took on board Yugoslavian officers who were instructed to arrange for the British minister of the area to be picked up by the submarine. Regent then moved to another place where the British minister might be embarked. There they were met by a Yugoslav officer and an Italian Army captain. Browne was invited to go ashore and meet an Italian admiral at Kotor before he was to be allowed to see the British minister. Browne refused to leave the boat and then offered to sent one of his officers ashore. Lieutenant D. Lambert, RN then left Regent and an Italian Army officer went on board Regent as hostage. During the afternoon, while waiting for Lieutenant Lambert to return, several Italian aircraft were seen flying round the Regent. At 1535 hours two aircraft started dive bombing attacks. Regent then got underway to leave the bay. She was near-missed several times and damage was caused to her so it was decided to abandon the attempt to evacuate the British minister. Lieutenant Lambert must now also be left ashore, when outside the bay, HMS Regent dived and set course for the Strait of Otranto. When clear of the strait, a signal was sent to report damage done to Regent. Also three of the crew had been injured, including Browne himself, and the first lieutenant. Browne decided to proceed to Malta for much needed medical attention. ww2dbase [Kotor, Montenegro | HM]

22 Apr 1941 Interactive Map

Timeline Section Founder: Thomas Houlihan
Contributors: Alan Chanter, C. Peter Chen, Thomas Houlihan, Hugh Martyr, David Stubblebine
Special Thanks: Rory Curtis

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Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, 16 Mar 1945

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