Interrogation Nav 19, Commander Yutaka Isawa
Editor's Note: The following content is a transcription of a period document or a collection of period statistics. It may be incomplete, inaccurate, or biased. The reader may not wish to take the content as factual.
12 Oct 1945ww2dbaseBiography
ISAWA, Yutaka, Commander, I.J.N.
ISAWA was a regular officer with 20 years experience. He was aboard the Haruna during the invasion of the PHILIPPINES and the Battle of MIDWAY. He later served in a destroyer squadron in the SOLOMONS Area. He was cooperative and well informed and his information regarding the activities of the Second Fleet proved to be substantially accurate.
Haruna (Gunnery) | PHILIPPINES MIDWAY | December 1941-October 1942 |
2nd Destroyer Squadron | SOLOMONS | October 1942-May 1943 |
Naval Academy | ETA JIMA | May 1943-March 1944 |
Navy Department | TOKYO | March 1944-March 1945 |
5th Air Fleet | KYUSHU | March 1945-August 1945 |
TOKYO 12 October 1945
Interrogation of: Commander ISAWA, Yutaka, IJN, a regular officer of the Japanese Navy; was commanding gunnery for 15cm guns on the battleship Haruna. From November 1942 to April 1943, attached to the 2nd Torpedo Flotilla in the South Pacific; student at the Naval Academy from May 1943 until March 1944; from September 1944 to March 1945 attached to the Navy Department; serving in the Navy Air Fleet at IZUMI and KYUSHU from April to August 1945.
Interrogated by: Commander T. H. Moorer, USN.
Movement of the Main Body of the Japanese Second Fleet November 1941 to April 1942
The movement of the Main Body of the Japanese Second Fleet with reasons therefore are shown below. The Main Body was initially composed of the following capital ships:
Battleships | Heavy Cruisers |
Haruna Kongo | Takao (Flagship of Vice Admiral KONDO) Atago Chokai Maya |
Movements of the Japanese Fleet
Date | Location | Mission |
28 November 1941 | INLAND SEA | Fleet Rendezvous |
28 November-5 December | Enroute PESCADORES ISLANDS | Preparation for war |
5 December-8 December | Enroute SAIGON Area | |
8 December-18 December | Off coast-vicinity SAIGON | Support of BRITISH MALAYA Operations |
18 December-20 December | Enroute point 300 miles west of LUZON | |
20 December-23 December | Vicinity MACCLESFIELD BANK | LUZON Invasion |
23 December-25 December | Enroute FORMOSA via CAMRANH Bay | |
25 December-15 January | TAKAO | Service and Repairs |
15 January-19 January | Enroute PALAU | Support of BRITISH MALAYA Operations |
20 January-25 January | PALAU | Rendezvous with PEARL HARBOR Force which arrived from JAPAN. This increased the total force to: 4 Battleships, 4 carriers, 8 heavy cruisers, 20 destroyers |
25 January-1 February | Enroute KENDARI | |
1 February-5 February | KENDARI | |
5 February-20 February | BANDA SEA | Support of Invasion Forces. 19 February attack on PORT DARWIN |
20 February-25 February | Enroute CHRISTMAS Island Area via OMBAI Strait | |
25 February-1 March | CHRISTMAS Island Area | Support of JAVA and SUMATRA Invasion |
1 March-1 April | Operations in CELEBES--TIMOR--JAVA Area | Bombardment of CHRISTMAS Island; Destruction of Allied Shipping |
1 April-5 April | Enroute CEYLON | |
5 April-13 April | INDIAN OCEAN Area | Operations against British, Attack on TRINCOMALEE |
13 April-18 April | Enroute INLAND SEA |
Note: The above dates are approximate.
No unit of the Main Body of the Second Fleet received damage during the operations. During the period covering the invasion of the PHILIPPINES and NETHERLANDS EAST INDIES, the force was not attacked by air or surface craft. ww2dbase
United States Strategic Bombing Survey (Pacific) Interrogation of Japanese Officials [OPNAV-P-03-100], courtesy of ibilio Hyperwar Project
Added By:
C. Peter Chen
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