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Summary Table For Causes Of Lost Operational Time For Aircraft Carriers During World War II

Editor's Note: The following content is a transcription of a period document or a collection of period statistics. It may be incomplete, inaccurate, or biased. The reader may not wish to take the content as factual.

By TheaterBy NavyBy Carrier TypeBy Year
 TotalPercent of TotalAtlanticPacificUSN ShipsRN ShipsUS & RNIJN ShipsCVsCVLsCVs & CVLsCVEs1939194019411942194319441945
1. Carriers Afloat and Operational (Sept 1939-Aug 1945)
United States CVs5
United Kingdom CVs7
Japanese CVs & CVLs6
CVs & CVLs Afloat 8/31/3918
CVEs (Langley)1
Carriers Afloat 8/31/3919
Produced 9/39 to 8/45 (Excl. MACs)181
Carriers Afloat During War (Excl. MACs)200
Carriers Afloat But Not Operational-4
Carriers Operational 8/39 to 9/45196
2. Carriers Produced During World War II (Sept 1939-Aug 1945)
United States14379%421011431431992811501318654511
United Kingdom (Excluding MACs)1910%1901919671360231445
Total (Excluding MACs)181100%611201431916219342155126041024725516
3. Carriers Afloat During World War II (Sept 1939-Aug 1945)
United States11157%241051112493378679173988102
United Kingdom (Excluding MACs)6433%634564128204478911254952
Total (Excl. MACs & France)200102%8717511164175254924731271922284476154160
4. Carriers Operational During World War II (Sept 1939-Aug 1945)
United States10855%23103108239327667917398899
United Kingdom (Excluding MACs)6332%624563127194478911254951
Total (Excluding France)196100%8517310863171254823711251922284476154156
5. Carriers Sunk During World War II (Sept 1939-Aug 1945)
United States1229%1111241570005142
United Kingdom820%71841531123100
By TheaterBy NavyBy Carrier TypeBy Year
6. Number of Lost-Time Damage Incidents, by Cause
Bombs & Aerial Torpedoes83%822644844
Aerial Torpedoes42%1331431431
Kamikazes & Bombs10%111111
Kamikazes & Warship Gunfire21%222022
Kamikazes & Aerial Torpedoes10%111011
Aerial & Submarine Torpedoes10%111111
Bombs & Warship Gunfire10%11111
Aerial Weapon Systems10646%79958157333621880260042133147
Submarine Torpedoes2812%82057121613114141276111
Warship Gunfire31%1221311212
Surface Weapon Systems3415%1024791618141151911276143
Storms & Typhoons3013%10202283036921231213
Aircraft Accidents157%411114154151011139
Mechanical Failures52%324412231121
Friendly Fire21%222222
Explosions Nearby21%222022
Refueling Accidents10%111011
Other Causes8939%3653523587218102861014793533
All Lost-Time Damage Incidents229100%5317611759176539429123106121035188083
7. Number of Damage Incidents Resulting In Sinking, By Cause
Bombs & Aerial Torpedoes820%822644844
Aerial & Submarine Torpedoes12%111111
Bombs & Warship Gunfire12%11111
Aerial Weapon Systems2254%0228191310717500011074
Submarine Torpedoes1639%610358888812328
Warship Gunfire25%1111211111
Surface Weapon Systems1844%7114610890991123290
Mechanical Failures12%111011
Total Sinkings-All Causes41100%83312820211972615112143164
By TheaterBy NavyBy Carrier TypeBy Year
8. Summary Statistics For Aircraft Carriers (Sept 1939-Aug 1945)
Note: Percentages are based upon the number of aircraft carriers afloat.
Produced (Excl. MACs)18191%611201431916219342155126041024725516
Afloat (Excl. MACs and France)200100%8717511164175254924731271922284476154160
Operational (Excl. MACs and France)19698%8517310863171254823711251922284476154156
Lost-Time Damage Incidents229115%5317611759176539429123106121035188083
Incidents Involving Multiple Causes147077651130005081
Lost-Time Damage Involvements24353190124591836010034134109121040188884
9. Number of Lost-Time Damage Involvements, By Cause
Note: Percentages represent damage INVOLVEMENTS divided by total damage INCIDENTS and may total to more than 100%.
Damage Involving Aerial Weapons11651%710962157739672289270042533648
Damage Involving Surface Weapons3817%10281091919152172111286173
Damage from Other Causes8939%3653523587218102861014793533
Total Lost-Time Damage Involvements243106%53190124591836010034134109121040188884
Damage Involving Bombs5825%652187253336155170042001420
Damage Involving Kamikazes4419%0443774402322519000001628
Damage from Storms & Typhoons3013%102022830036921000231213
Damage Involving Sub. Torpedoes2913%821671316141151410286111
Damage from Collisions2913%161314152905382100223157
Damage from Aircraft Accidents157%411114150415100011139
Damage Involving Aerial Torpedoes.146%1137186851310005360
Damage Involving Warship Gunfire63%15415111240100050
Damage Involving Mines31%12011200030000012
Damage from All Other Causes157%695813260690112254
Total Lost-Time Damage Involvements243106%53190124591836010034134109121040188884
By TheaterBy NavyBy Carrier TypeBy Year
10. Percentage of Lost-Time Damage Involvements, By Cause
Note: Percentages represent damage INVOLVEMENTS divided by total damage INCIDENTS and may total to more than 100%.
Damage Involving Aerial Weapons51%13%62%53%26%44%74%71%76%72%25%0%0%40%71%17%45%58%
Damage Involving Surface Weapons17%19%16%9%15%11%36%16%7%14%20%100%50%20%23%33%21%4%
Damage from Other Causes39%68%30%44%59%49%4%19%34%23%58%0%50%40%20%50%44%40%
Damage Involving Bombs25%11%30%15%12%14%62%38%52%41%7%0%0%40%57%0%18%24%
Damage Involving Kamikazes19%0%25%32%12%25%0%24%7%20%18%0%0%0%0%0%20%34%
Damage from Storms & Typhoons13%19%11%19%14%17%0%3%21%7%20%0%0%0%6%17%15%16%
Damage Involving Sub. Torpedoes.13%15%12%5%12%7%30%15%3%12%13%100%0%20%23%33%14%1%
Damage from Collisions13%30%7%12%25%16%0%5%10%7%20%0%0%20%6%17%19%8%
Damage from Aircraft Accidents7%8%6%9%7%9%0%4%3%4%9%0%0%10%3%6%4%11%
Damage Involving Aerial Torpedoes.6%2%7%6%2%5%11%9%17%11%1%0%0%0%14%17%8%0%
Damage Involving Warship Gunfire3%2%3%3%2%3%2%1%3%2%4%0%50%0%0%0%6%0%
Damage Involving Mines1%2%1%0%2%1%4%0%0%0%3%0%0%0%0%0%1%2%
Damage from All Other Causes7%11%5%4%14%7%4%6%0%5%8%0%50%10%6%11%6%5%
11. Number of Damage Involvements Resulting in Sinking, By Cause
Note: Percentages represent damage INVOLVEMENTS divided by total damage INCIDENTS and may total to more than 100%.
Sinkings Involving Aerial Weapons3073%03010111191411255000150114
Sinkings Involving Surface Weapons2049%7135611910111911242100
Sinkings from Other Causes12%10011000010000100
Total Sinking Involvements51124%843158232824123615112193214
Sinkings Involving Bombs1844%018415139716200010062
Sinkings Involving Sub. Torpedoes.1741%611459890981024280
Sinkings Involving Aerial Torpedoes.922%09303654900005040
Sinkings Involving Kamikazes37%03303000030000012
Sinkings Involving Warship Gunfire37%12112111210100020
Sinkings from All Other Causes12%10011000010000100
Total Sinking Involvements51124%843158232824123615112193214
12. Percentage of Damage Involvements Resulting in Sinking, By Cause
Note: Percentages represent damage INVOLVEMENTS divided by total damage INCIDENTS and may total to more than 100%.
Sinkings Involving Aerial Weapons73%0%91%83%13%55%90%74%157%96%33%0%0%0%107%0%69%100%
Sinkings Involving Surface Weapons49%88%39%42%75%55%43%53%14%42%60%100%100%100%29%67%63%0%
Sinkings from Other Causes2%13%0%0%13%5%0%0%0%0%7%0%0%0%0%33%0%0%
Sinkings Involving Bombs44%0%55%33%13%25%62%47%100%62%13%0%0%0%71%0%38%50%
Sinkings Involving Sub. Torpedoes.41%75%33%33%63%45%38%47%0%35%53%100%0%100%29%67%50%0%
Sinkings Involving Aerial Torpedoes.22%0%27%25%0%15%29%26%57%35%0%0%0%0%36%0%25%0%
Sinkings Involving Kamikazes7%0%9%25%0%15%0%0%0%0%20%0%0%0%0%0%6%50%
Sinkings Involving Warship Gunfire7%13%6%8%13%10%5%5%14%8%7%0%100%0%0%0%13%0%
Sinkings from All Other Causes2%13%0%0%13%5%0%0%0%0%7%0%0%0%0%33%0%0%

13. Notes

Re: carriers "afloat":

Values include only carriers that could both launch and retrieve aircraft at sea and were afloat between September 1939 and August 1945.

Values include USS Langley (CV-1, AV-3) as a CVE. It was designated as a seaplane tender during WWII but performed CVE functions including anti-submarine patrols and aircraft transport.

Values exclude the UK's 19 Merchant Aircraft Carriers (MACs); information about damage incidents was not located.

Values exclude UK Fighter Catapult ships (FACs) and Catapult Aircraft Merchant ships (CAMs) which carried a single catapult-launched aircraft but could not retrieve it.

Values exclude two Japanese CVEs launched or commissioned but constructed with flight decks too short to recover aircraft (Akitsu Maru, Kumano Maru). The former was sunk November 1944. The latter was built for the Army rather than the Navy and survived the war. Both transported aircraft during the war.

Values exclude the French carrier B?arn that was quarantined for most of the war and did not see action.

Re: carriers "operational":

Values exclude USS Lake Champlain (CV-39), Puget Sound (CVE-113) and Bairoko (CVE-115) and HMS Ocean (CVL-R68) that were commissioned and afloat but not operational before the end of WWII.

Values exclude two Japanese CVEs launched or commissioned but destroyed before entering service (Shimani Maru, Yamashio Maru).

Re: carrier production:

Annual production values are based upon commissioning dates.

US production in the Atlantic included all 19 USN CVs, all 9 USN CVLs, and 14 CVEs (USS Long Island, Charger, Santee, Sangamon, Chenango, Suwannee, HMS Archer, Avenger, Biter, Dasher, Pursuer, Battler, Hunter, Chaser.)

All UK production was in the Atlantic; all Japanese production was in the Pacific.

Production values during the Pacific War (Sept 1939 to Aug 1945) exclude the Japanese carrier Hiryu that was commissioned July 5, 1939.

Re: damage statistics:

"Damage incidents" include those that sunk carriers.

Damage incidents involving two weapons systems are included with involvements for both causes. Consequently, percentages regarding "damage involvements" by cause add to more than 100% of "damage incidents." ww2dbase

"Details For Incidents Resulting in Lost Operational Time For Aircraft Carriers During World War II" at World War II Database
"Japanese Aircraft Carrier Operational Status By Month" at World War II Database
"UK Aircraft Carrier Operational Status By Month" at World War II Database
"US Aircraft Carrier Operational Status By Month" at World War II Database
"Japanese Aircraft Carrier Time Operational" at World War II Database

Added By:
Bob Bryant

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