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1 Jul 1942
  • Japanese hospital ship Hikawa Maru arrived at Davao, Philippine Islands. ww2dbase [Hikawa Maru | CPC]
  • Jews were massacred in Byelorussian cities of Minsk, Lida, and Slonim. ww2dbase [Discovery of Concentration Camps and the Holocaust | CPC]
  • General Montgomery informed General Paget that Operation Rutter, the attack on Dieppe, was to take place on 4 Jul. ww2dbase [Attack on Dieppe | CPC]
  • US Navy Admiral Robert Ghormley relinquished his command army troops as US Army Major General Millard Harmon arrived to the theater. ww2dbase [CPC]
  • Chiang Kaishek formally submitted his "Three Demands" to Joseph Stilwell to forward on to Washington DC, United States. This request included 5,000 tons of supplies, 500 war planes, and 3 US divisions for the Chinese theater of war. US President Franklin Roosevelt would superficially agree to the demands, but would stall the delivery indefinitely. ww2dbase [Chiang Kaishek | CPC]
  • USS Flying Fish attacked a Japanese transport off Taiwan; all 3 torpedoes fired missed. ww2dbase [Flying Fish | CPC]
  • German submarine U-202 sank US passenger-cargo ship City of Birmingham 250 miles east of Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, United States at 0127 hours; 9 were killed, 374 survived. At 1831 hours, U-126 sank US ship Warrior 125 miles east of Trinidad; 7 were killed, 49 survived; the 10,080 tons of Lend-Lease supplies bound for the Soviet Union via Iran were lost. Also on this date, Allied convoy departed Liverpool, Englad, United Kingdom with 41 merchant ships in its midst. ww2dbase [Second Happy Time | CPC]
  • German 4th Panzer Army advanced toward Voronezh, Russia. ww2dbase [Caucasus Campaign | CPC]
  • Japanese submarine I-16 sank Swedish ship Eknaren in the Mozambique Channel. In the same area, I-18 sank Dutch ship De Weert. ww2dbase [Raids into the Indian Ocean | CPC]
  • German submarine U-97 sank British ship Marilyse Moller 66 miles east of Port Said, Egypt at 1343 hours; 35 were killed, 4 survived; British anti-submarine trawler HMS Burra counterattacked with three depth charges, causing no damage. ww2dbase [CPC]
  • German submarine U-456 and a German Bv 138 aircraft spotted Allied convoy PQ-17 in the Barents Sea and began shadowing it. ww2dbase [Arctic Convoys | CPC]
  • Yasunori Yoshioka stepped down as the chief of staff of Japanese 44th Army, also known as the Kwangtung Defense Army, based in Xinjing, northeastern China. ww2dbase [Yasunori Yoshioka | CPC]
  • Hartwig von Ludwiger was made the commanding officer of 83rd Jäger Regiment. ww2dbase [Hartwig von Ludwiger | CPC]
  • Ferdinand Schörner was awarded the Order of the Cross of Liberty 1st class of Finland. ww2dbase [Ferdinand Schörner | CPC]
Atlantic Ocean
  • US merchant ship Edward Luckenbach mistakenly entered a US minefield and struck two mines; she sank 20 miles north of the Florida Keys, Florida, United States; lost with the ship was a very large supply of tungsten, prompting the Americans to later launch an operation to salvage it. ww2dbase [Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico Campaigns | Gulf of Mexico | CPC]
  • The small 1,855-ton Norwegian merchant steamer Cadmus was en route from Honduras to Galveston, Texas, United States with a cargo of bananas when at 1744 hours she was hit by a single torpedo fired from German submarine U-129, commanded by Kapitänleutnant Hans-Ludwig Witt. The torpedo struck the Cadmus between the No. 4 hatch and the poop deck, killing two of the crew and immediately the vessel started to sink by the stern. The remaining crew abandoned ship and were questioned by the Germans who had surfaced and were taking bunches of bananas from the sea before moving off. The crew split into two lifeboats, 1st Mate Tellefsen was in severe pain and had difficulties breathing, having injured his back, as well as broken his arm at the wrist. The chief engineer had also injured his back. The 2nd mate was ordered to the port boat to replace the 1st mate in command (10 in each boat). ww2dbase [Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico Campaigns | Gulf of Mexico | HM]
  • Morosini made rendezvous with fellow Italian submarine Giuseppe Finzi in the Atlantic Ocean at 1231 hours. They had originally planned to transfer fuel from Giuseppe Finzi to Morosini, but an accidental collision necessitated repairs at sea, and the transfer was to be delayed. ww2dbase [Giuseppe Finzi | Morosini | CPC]
  • Korechika Anami was made the commanding officer of the 2nd Area Army in northeastern China. ww2dbase [Korechika Anami | CPC]
  • German 90th Light Division began to advance for El Alamein, Egypt at 0300 hours; meanwhile, German and Italian tanks covered the southern flank. Allied troops in the area were a mix of British, Australian, New Zealand, Indian, and South African nationalities. Axis forces suffered heavy casualties on this first day of assault. ww2dbase [First Battle of El Alamein | El Alamein | TH, CPC]
France Marshall Islands
  • Captain Nobuki Nakaoka was made the commanding officer of Katori, relieving Noboru Owada, at Kwajalein, Marshall Islands. ww2dbase [Katori | Kwajalein | CPC]
Netherlands Pacific Ocean
  • USS Sturgeon sank Japanese passenger-cargo ship Montevideo Maru off northern Philippine Islands before dawn. The crew of Sturgeon did not realize that most of those aboard were Australian prisoners of war, nor was the ship marked in any way to indicate that she was carrying prisoners of war; all 1,054 prisoners perished in the sinking. Of the 88 Japanese crew members and armed guards, 68 were lost. ww2dbase [Sturgeon | CPC]
  • Destroyers USS Castor, Ralph Talbot, and Blue crossed the 180th Meridian bound from Pago Pago, Samoa to Auckland, New Zealand. ww2dbase [Ralph Talbot | Line Crossing Ceremony | DS]
  • USS S-38 fired two torpedoes at a Japanese destroyer off Tulagi, Solomon Islands. While escaping from depth charges, air leaks gave away her position, but she was able to get away. ww2dbase [S-38 | CPC]
  • As the German bridgehead north of Sevastopol, Russia appeared to be too strong to be eliminated, Joseph Stalin ordered top Soviet leaders to evacuate the city by submarine. ww2dbase [Battle of Sevastopol | Sevastopol | CPC]
United Kingdom
  • HMS King George V arrived at Scapa Flow, Scotland, United Kingdom. ww2dbase [Scapa Flow | King George V | Scapa Flow, Scotland | CPC]
  • B-17E Flying Fortress bomber "Jarring Jenny" landed at Prestwick, Scotland, United Kingdom having flown the 3,000 miles from Maine, United States via Greenland and Iceland. It was the first of hundreds of sister aircraft to be flown to Great Britain to form the US Eighth Air Force. ww2dbase [B-17 Flying Fortress | Prestwick, Scotland | AC]
United States Photo(s) dated 1 Jul 1942
Japanese-American boys reading comic books in Tule Lake Relocation Center, Newell, California, United States, 1 Jul 1942A Soviet mechanic working on a fighter aircraft while a crew member stenciled a star on the fuselage, Russia, 1 Jul 1942Japanese-American women making camouflage nets for the US War Department, Manzanar Relocation Center, California, United States, 1 Jul 1942Northwest side of the Pentagon building while under construction, Arlington, Virginia, United States, 1 Jul 1942
See all photos dated 1 Jul 1942

1 Jul 1942 Interactive Map

Timeline Section Founder: Thomas Houlihan
Contributors: Alan Chanter, C. Peter Chen, Thomas Houlihan, Hugh Martyr, David Stubblebine
Special Thanks: Rory Curtis

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Yugure, 4-7 Oct 1935

Famous WW2 Quote
"With Germany arming at breakneck speed, England lost in a pacifist dream, France corrupt and torn by dissension, America remote and indifferent... do you not tremble for your children?"

Winston Churchill, 1935

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