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World War II Database

4 Mar 1901

  • Tsia Bun-tat was born in the Oo-gu-lam area of Taichu Cho (now Taichung City), Japanese-occupied Taiwan. ww2dbase [Tsia Bun-tat | Taichu | CPC]
17 Oct 1920

  • Tsia Bun-tat became the first Taiwanese touring flight show pilot as he performed in an Itoh Emi 5 aircraft in Taichu, Taiwan. ww2dbase [Tsia Bun-tat | Taichu | CPC]
19 Apr 1923

Photo(s) dated 19 Apr 1923
Crown Prince Hirohito at Taichu Station, Taichu, Taiwan, 19 Apr 1923Crown Prince Hirohito arriving at the official residence of Taichu prefecture governor, Taichu, Taiwan, 19 Apr 1923Crown Prince Hirohito visiting Taichu water pumping station, Taiwan, 19 Apr 1923Crown Prince Hirohito at Taichu Station, Taiwan, 19 Apr 1923
20 Apr 1923

Photo(s) dated 20 Apr 1923
Students gathering to wave to Crown Prince Hirohito, who would be passing by aboard a train, Shoka Station, Taiwan, 20 Apr 1923

Photo(s) dated
Crown Prince Hirohito at a barracks in Taichu, Taiwan, 19 Apr 1923
27 Sep 1942

  • The Taichu Prisoners of War Camp near Taichu (now Taichung), Taiwan was opened. ww2dbase [Taichu | CPC]
22 Nov 1943

  • A US aircraft conducted a reconnaissance flight over Taichu Airfield ("Toyohara") in central Taiwan. ww2dbase [Taichu Airfield | Taichu | CPC]
Photo(s) dated 22 Nov 1943
Aerial view of Toyohara Airfield, Taichu (now Taichung), Taiwan, 22 Nov 1943
1 Mar 1944

Photo(s) dated 1 Mar 1944
Aerial view of Soton, Taichu (now Caotun, Nantou), Taiwan prior to the construction of an airfield, 1 Mar 1944
1 Jul 1944

  • The Taichu Prisoners of War Camp near Taichu (now Taichung), Taiwan was closed; on the same day, the Inrin Prisoners of War Camp in central Taiwan was opened. ww2dbase [Taichu | CPC]
12 Oct 1944

Taiwan Photo(s) dated 12 Oct 1944
Shoka Airfield in Shoka (now Changhua), Taiwan under US Navy carrier aircraft attack, 12 Oct 1944, photo 1 of 2Shoka Airfield in Shoka (now Changhua), Taiwan under US Navy carrier aircraft attack, 12 Oct 1944, photo 2 of 2
15 Oct 1944

  • A B-29 bomber of USAAF 468th Bombardment Group conducted a reconnaissance flight over Taichu Airfield ("Toyohara") in central Taiwan. It was discovered that a satellite airfield was being constructed to the west. ww2dbase [Taichu West Airfield | Taichu | CPC]
3 Jan 1945

  • 6 TBM-1C aircraft and 12 F6F-5 fighters, both of Air Group 44 from USS Langley, attacked Hokuto Airfield (referred by the Americans as "Keishu Airfield") in Hokuto (now Beidou) in central Taiwan with 60 100-pound bombs, rockets, and strafing. No Japanese aircraft rose to defend. ww2dbase [Langley (Independence-class) | Hokuto Airfield | Hokuto, Taichu | CPC]
Photo(s) dated 3 Jan 1945
Taichu Airfield under attack by USS Ticonderoga carrier aircraft, Taichu (now Taichung), Taiwan, 3 Jan 1945, photo 1 of 3Taichu Airfield under attack by USS Ticonderoga carrier aircraft, Taichu (now Taichung), Taiwan, 3 Jan 1945, photo 2 of 3Post-mission map of the Air Group 80 of USS Ticonderoga 3 Jan 1945 attack on Taichu Airfield, central TaiwanHokuto Airfield under USS Langley carrier aircraft attack, Taiwan, 3 Jan 1945, photo 1 of 6
See all photos dated 3 Jan 1945
4 Jan 1945

  • TBM-5C torpedo bombers of VT-4 squadron, escorted by F6F-5 fighters of VF-4 squadron, both from USS Essex, attacked a number of Japanese airfields in Taiwan. Rojoseki Airfield in Rojoseki District of Shoka (now Erlin District of Changhua), Hokuto (misnamed "Keishu" in US records) Airfield in Shoka, and Mato Airfield in Tainan (now Madou District of Tainan) sustained damage. ww2dbase [Hokuto Airfield | Essex | Shoka, Taichu | CPC]
14 Jan 1945

Photo(s) dated 14 Jan 1945
Aerial view of Soton Airfield, Soton, Taichu (now Caotun, Nantou), Taiwan, 14 Jan 1945
30 Jan 1945

Photo(s) dated 30 Jan 1945
Taichu Airfield under attack by USS Ticonderoga carrier aircraft, Taichu (now Taichung), Taiwan, 3 Jan 1945, photo 3 of 3
23 Mar 1945

  • US aircraft dropped 145 tons of bombs on Jitsugetsu Power Plant No. 1 and 63 tons of bombs on Jitsugetsu Power Plant No. 2 in Taichu (now Nantou County), Taiwan. ww2dbase [Taichu | CPC]
30 Mar 1945

  • US aircraft attacked a railway linking Shoka (now Changhua) and Taichu (now Taichung), Taiwan. ww2dbase [Shoka, Taichu | CPC]
14 May 1945

  • Two PV-1 aircraft of US Navy squadron VPB-137 from Clark Field in the Philippine Islands conducted a reconnaissance mission over Taiwan, two of which fired eight and six 5-inch rockets, respectively, at the Ujitsu sugar plant, which was misidentified as a Butanol plant, in Ujitsu (now Wuri). The facility was hit by eight of the rockets and suffered some damage. ww2dbase [Ujitsu, Taichu | CPC]
  • Two PV-1 aircraft of US Navy squadron VPB-137 from Clark Field in the Philippine Islands conducted a reconnaissance mission over Taiwan, one of which dropped three 250-pound bombs on a pair of bridges over Daito River (now Dadu River) in Shoka (now Changhua); both bombs missed. ww2dbase [Shoka, Taichu | CPC]
Photo(s) dated 14 May 1945
Ujitsu sugar plant under attack by US Navy PV-1 aircraft, Ujitsu (now Wuri), Taiwan, 14 May 1945Aerial view of bridges over Daitokei River (now Dadu River) in Shoka (now Changhua), Taiwan, 14 May 1945
17 May 1945

  • 2 B-25 bombers of 71st Bombardment Squadron of USAAF 38th Bombardment Group dropped 12 500-pound parafrag bombs and propaganda leaflets on the Keishu sugar plant in Shoka (now Changhua), Taiwan at 1015 hours. ww2dbase [Shoka, Taichu | CPC]
Photo(s) dated 17 May 1945
Keishu sugar plant under US aerial attack, Shoka (now Changhua), Taiwan, 17 May 1945, photo 1 of 2Keishu sugar plant under US aerial attack, Shoka (now Changhua), Taiwan, 17 May 1945, photo 2 of 2
5 Jul 1945

  • A US aircraft conducted a reconnaissance flight over Taichu West Airfield ("Toyohara") in central Taiwan. It was concluded that the airfield was nearing completion. ww2dbase [Taichu West Airfield | Taichu | CPC]
Photo(s) dated 5 Jul 1945
Taichu West Airfield, 5 Jul 1945

Timeline Section Founder: Thomas Houlihan
Contributors: Alan Chanter, C. Peter Chen, Thomas Houlihan, Hugh Martyr, David Stubblebine
Special Thanks: Rory Curtis

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Famous WW2 Quote
"No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. You win the war by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country!"

George Patton, 31 May 1944

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