8 Dec 1941
- Chelmno Concentration Camp north of Łódź, Poland began mass murders using gas vans; it was the first large camp established for the purpose of mass exterminations. The first victims were Jewish and Romani civilians from surrounding towns. ww2dbase [Discovery of Concentration Camps and the Holocaust | Chelmno Concentration Camp | Chelmno nad Nerem, Konin | CPC]
15 Jan 1942
- In Poland, German authorities began to deport Jews from the Łódź ghetto to the Chelmno Concentration Camp. ww2dbase [Chelmno Concentration Camp | Discovery of Concentration Camps and the Holocaust | Chelmno nad Nerem, Konin | CPC]
9 Apr 1943
- The Chelmno Concentration Camp in Reichsgau Wartheland, Germany (occupied Poland) temporarily ceased its extermination operations. ww2dbase [Discovery of Concentration Camps and the Holocaust | Chelmno Concentration Camp | Chelmno nad Nerem, Konin | CPC]
11 Apr 1943
- Chelmno Concentration Camp in occupied Poland ceased operations. ww2dbase [Discovery of Concentration Camps and the Holocaust | Chelmno Concentration Camp | Chelmno nad Nerem, Konin | CPC]
14 Feb 1944
- Heinrich Himmler's orders to re-establish the Chelmno Concentration Camp in occupied Poland was received by German officials of Reichsgau Wartheland; the camp resumed extermination in May 1944. ww2dbase [Heinrich Himmler | Chelmno Concentration Camp | Discovery of Concentration Camps and the Holocaust | Chelmno nad Nerem, Konin | TH]
23 Jun 1944
- Chelmno Concentration Camp in occupied Poland was re-opened for the liquidation of the Łódź Ghetto nearby. At Łódź, deportations began on the same day; through 14 Jul 1944, 7,196 would be sent to Chelmno where they would be killed in gas vans. ww2dbase [Discovery of Concentration Camps and the Holocaust | Chelmno Concentration Camp | Chelmno nad Nerem, Konin | CPC]
17 Jan 1945
- After crossing the Warthe River, Soviet troops expanded their bridgehead to 160 miles wide and 100 miles deep, causing the Germans to evacuate Warsaw, Poland (which would soon be occupied by Soviet forces) and Chelmno Extermination Camp; on the same day, Soviet forces also captured Kielce. Angry at the abandonment of Warsaw, Adolf Hitler sacked General Smilo von Lüttwitz and General Walter Fries. Meanwhile, Soviet Marshal Ivan Konev received orders to move toward the Upper Silesia region. ww2dbase [Vistula-Oder Offensive | Chelmno Concentration Camp | Chelmno nad Nerem, Konin | TH, CPC]
18 Jan 1945
- The last of the Jewish forced laborers at Chelmno Concentration Camp in occupied Poland were executed; 15-year-old Simon Srebnik was the only survivor. ww2dbase [Discovery of Concentration Camps and the Holocaust | Chelmno Concentration Camp | Chelmno nad Nerem, Konin | CPC]
20 Jan 1945
- Soviet troops arrived at the Chelmno Concentration Camp in occupied Poland. ww2dbase [Discovery of Concentration Camps and the Holocaust | Chelmno Concentration Camp | Chelmno nad Nerem, Konin | CPC]
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Contributors: Alan Chanter, C. Peter Chen, Thomas Houlihan, Hugh Martyr, David Stubblebine
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