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6 Feb 1942

8 Feb 1942

  • While in landing pattern at Martuba airfield in Libya, Hans-Joachim Marseille in his Bf 109 fighter encountered five Hurricane fighters that tried to jump him; he was able to break off from his landing approach, out-maneuver his attackers, and shot down two of them in return (his 37th and 38th kills). Later in the day, several British Blenheim bombers, escorted by P-40 and Hurricane fighters, attacked Martuba; Marseille shot down two of the fighters, bringing his score to 40 kills. At the end of the day, against orders, he flew over an enemy airfield to drop a note that stated Flight Sergeant Hargreaves (his 37th kill) was captured and uninjured; this personal mission led to Marseille being grounded by his commanding officer Gerhard Homuth. ww2dbase [Hans-Joachim Marseille | Martuba | CPC]
22 Feb 1942

24 Feb 1942

  • Hans-Joachim Marseille was awarded the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross medal by Albert Kesselring at Martuba airfield, Libya. The citation of the award was dated 22 Feb 1942, two days prior. ww2dbase [Hans-Joachim Marseille | Martuba | CPC]
24 Apr 1942

10 May 1942

  • Hans-Joachim Marseille shot down two South African Hurricane fighters, Captain Cobbledick at 0913 hours and Lieutenant Flesker at 0915 hours, southeast of Martuba, Libya, raising his kill score to 56. ww2dbase [Hans-Joachim Marseille | Martuba | CPC]
6 Jul 1942

Photo(s) dated 6 Jul 1942
Overhead view of a South African Air Force raid on the German airfield at Martuba, Libya, 6 Jul 1942. Note circular dust patterns of bomb bursts and lines of dust kicked up by scrambling aircraft.

Timeline Section Founder: Thomas Houlihan
Contributors: Alan Chanter, C. Peter Chen, Thomas Houlihan, Hugh Martyr, David Stubblebine
Special Thanks: Rory Curtis

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Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, 16 Mar 1945

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