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Ashigara file photo [19500]


Ship ClassMyoko-class Heavy Cruiser
BuilderKawaski Dockyard
Launched22 Apr 1928
Commissioned20 Aug 1929
Sunk8 Jun 1945
Displacement10,980 tons standard; 13,300 tons full
Length662 feet
Beam68 feet
Draft21 feet
Speed36 knots
Range8,000nm at 14 knots
Armament10x8in, 8x5in


ww2dbaseAshigara participated in the invasion of the Philippines and was involved in the sinking of HMS Exeter and HMS Encounter in the Battle of the Java Sea. Between 1942 and 1944, she patrolled rear areas and transported troops. In Oct 1944, she participated in the Leyte Campaign under Captain Hayao Miura (who commanded the ship until her sinking in 1945), sailing with Vice Admiral Kiyohide Shima's force. Shima's group entered Surigao Strait on 25 Oct 1944 after the battle with an earlier force had already taken place; Ashigara launched her torpedoes and retreated from the scene with the fleet. In late Dec 1944, she took part in an attempted attack on the American landings on Mindoro of the Philippine Islands, receiving damage from a 500-lb bomb during the operation. After shelling American positions on 27 Dec, she retired to Singapore and served in a logistical role under Vice Admiral Shigeru Fukudome.

ww2dbaseOn 8 Jun 1945, Ashigara left Batavia for Singapore with 1,600 troops on board, escorted by destroyer Kamikaze. Three Allied submarines, USS Blueback, HMS Trenchant, and HMS Stygian attacked her in the Bangka Strait. At 1215, Ashigara was hit by five of the eight torpedoes launched against her. She sank at 1237 with 1253 survivors (400 troops and 853 crew).

ww2dbaseSources: Interrogation of Japanese Officials, Wikipedia.

Last Major Revision: Feb 2007

Heavy Cruiser Ashigara Interactive Map


Cruiser Ashigara in drydock, Singapore, Dec 1942

Ashigara Operational Timeline

20 Aug 1929 Ashigara was commissioned into service.
30 Dec 1944 Japanese convoy HI-84 sailed past battleship-carrier Ise, battleship-carrier Hyuga, cruiser Oyodo, cruiser Ashigara, destroyer Asashimo, and destroyer Kasumi in the South China Sea in the morning. At 1157 hours, HI-84 arrived at Binhoang Bay, French Indochina.

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Visitor Submitted Comments

1. Anonymous says:
28 Aug 2007 12:10:40 AM

we shall dive on this vessel shortly
2. yanto manurung says:
23 Nov 2009 04:53:07 PM

I have dived in the location of ashigara sunk, with my friends from Balai Pelestarian Peninggalan Purbakala Jambi (Indonesia),
it's amazing experience.............
3. Anonymous says:
15 Jul 2016 11:10:47 PM

But I heard that the water is murky and not too suitable to be dived

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More on Ashigara
» Daigo, Tadashige

Event(s) Participated:
» Invasion of the Philippine Islands
» Dutch East Indies Campaign, Java
» Philippines Campaign, Phase 1, the Leyte Campaign
» Philippines Campaign, Phase 2

Partner Sites Content:
» Ashigara Tabular Record of Movement

Heavy Cruiser Ashigara Photo Gallery
Cruiser Ashigara in drydock, Singapore, Dec 1942

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"With Germany arming at breakneck speed, England lost in a pacifist dream, France corrupt and torn by dissension, America remote and indifferent... do you not tremble for your children?"

Winston Churchill, 1935

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