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Quincy file photo [1720]

Quincy (New Orleans-class)

CountryUnited States
Ship ClassNew Orleans-class Heavy Cruiser
Hull NumberCA-39
BuilderBethlehem Fore River Shipyard
Laid Down15 Nov 1933
Launched19 Jun 1935
Commissioned9 Jun 1936
Sunk9 Aug 1942
Displacement9,375 tons standard; 12,411 tons full
Length588 feet
Beam62 feet
Draft19 feet
MachinerySteam turbines, 8 boilers, 4 shafts
Power Output107,000 shaft horsepower
Speed32 knots
Armament9x8in, 8x5in, 8x0.50 caliber guns


ww2dbaseAssigned to Cruiser Division 8 of the United States Navy Atlantic Fleet, Quincy's first mission was to sail for the Mediterranean area in Jul 1936 to protect American interests in Spain during the height of its civil war. She served alongside German heavy cruisers at Málaga to evacuate their respective nationals out of Spain. She returned to Boston Navy Yard on 5 Oct 1936, and in the following spring she completed her final trials. She was re-assigned to the Pacific Fleet's Cruiser Division 7; she left Boston on 12 Apr and arrived at Pearl Harbor on 10 May. After engaging in several exercises, she spent some time at Mare Island Navy Yard for an overhaul, then headed back for the Atlantic. She participated in the Good Will Tour to South American 10 Apr-12 Jun 1939.

ww2dbaseAfter Germany launched its invasion of Poland, USS Quincy was sent to North Atlantic for Neutrality Patrols. Early 1941 saw her in the Caribbean, then mid-Atlantic until Jun 1941. She served in the Atlantic with carriers Wasp and Yorktown. On 28 Jul 1941, she sailed with Task Force 16 to Iceland, then headed for patrols in the Denmark Straits during the end of Sep. Later in 1941, she escorted a convoy from Capetown back to Trinidad in the Caribbean Islands. She spent the first half of 1942 back in the North Atlantic, then returned to the United States for an overhaul at New York Navy Yard in May 1942.

ww2dbaseOn 19 Jun 1942, USS Quincy arrived at San Diego and became the flagship of Rear Admiral Norman Scott of Task Force 18. From there she departed for the South Pacific in Jul to support the invasion of Guadalcanal. She arrived in the area in the first week of Aug, and participated in preliminary shelling of the Japanese-held island on 7 Aug; in the shelling she destroyed several Japanese installations and an oil depot at Lunga Point. When the American Marines made the landing, she also provided gun support. During the early hours of 9 Aug 1942, while on patrol off Savo Island north of Guadalcanal, her force was surprise attacked by Admiral Gunichi Mikawa's force. When the attacking Japanese cruisers trained their searchlights on Quincy, Quincy's guns were still trained. She was caught between two columns of Japanese cruisers and received a pounding. "We're going down between them - give them hell!" said Captain Moore of Quincy. She fought valiantly, but was not able to overcome the heavy firing from the Japanese cruisers. She capsized and sank at about 0235 that day, becoming one of the first ships that eventually nicknamed that area of the water "Ironbottom Sound". 370 lives were lost aboard Quincy during the Battle of Savo Island, and 167 were wounded.

Samuel Eliot Morison, The Struggle for Guadalcanal

Last Major Revision: Mar 2006

Heavy Cruiser Quincy (New Orleans-class) (CA-39) Interactive Map


Quincy underway in the late 1930sQuincy and Tuscaloosa near Strait of Magellan, 14 May 1939
See all 11 photographs of Heavy Cruiser Quincy (New Orleans-class) (CA-39)


Track of the cruiser night action of 9 Aug 1942 off Savo Island, Solomon Islands where three United States cruisers and one Australian cruiser were lost. Track is taken from the USS Astoria damage report.

Quincy (New Orleans-class) Operational Timeline

24 Dec 1932 The keel of battleship Dunkerque was laid down at Brest Navy Yard, France.
2 Oct 1935 The French Battleship Dunkerque was launched at Brest shipyard in France.
9 Jun 1936 Quincy was commissioned into service.
31 May 1940 US Ambassador to Argentina Norman Armour and US Minister in Uruguay Edwin C. Wilson met in Montevideo, Uruguay regarding the deteriorating political situation in Uruguay. They jointly requested Secretary of State Cordell Hull to ask President Roosevelt to sent 40 to 50 warships to the eastern coast of South America as a show of force to prevent Uruguay from partnering with Germany. Later in the day, Hull would inform them that heavy cruiser USS Quincy was dispatched for Rio de Janeiro, Brazil per their suggestion, and she would visit Montevideo on the journey. State Department official Laurence Duggan would suggest Undersecretary of State Sumner Welles to publicize USS Quincy's South American tour.
12 Jun 1940 USS Quincy arrived at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
17 Jun 1940 Heavy cruiser USS Quincy departed Rio de Janeiro, Brazil for Montevideo, Uruguay.
20 Jun 1940 USS Quincy reached Montevideo, Uruguay, as part of the American effort to counteract German propaganda in Latin America.
3 Jul 1940 USS Wichita and USS Quincy departed Montevideo, Uruguay for Brazilian waters.
5 Jul 1940 USS Wichita and USS Quincy arrived in Rio Grande du Sol, Brazil.
8 Jul 1940 USS Wichita and USS Quincy departed Santos, Brazil for Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
11 Jul 1940 USS Wichita and USS Quincy departed Rio Grande do Sol, Brazil for Santos, Brazil.
13 Jul 1940 USS Wichita and USS Quincy (CA-39) arrived at Santos, Brazil.
19 Jul 1940 Cruisers USS Wichita and USS Quincy arrived at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; destroyers USS Walke and USS Wainwright arrived later on the same day with Marines for Wichita and Quincy, respectively.
25 Jul 1940 USS Wichita and USS Quincy departed Rio de Janeiro, Brazil for Bahia, Brazil.
31 Jul 1940 Heavy cruisers USS Wichita and USS Quincy arrived at Bahia, Brazil.
5 Aug 1940 Heavy cruisers USS Wichita and USS Quincy departed Bahia, Brazil for Pernambuco, Brazil.
9 Aug 1940 Heavy cruisers USS Wichita and USS Quincy arrived at Pernambuco, Brazil.
13 Aug 1940 Heavy cruisers USS Wichita and USS Quincy departed Pernambuco, Brazil for Montevideo, Uruguay.
23 Aug 1940 Heavy cruisers USS Wichita (with chief of Cruiser Division 7 Rear Admiral Andrew C. Pickens on board) and USS Quincy arrived at Montevideo, Uruguay.
28 Aug 1940 Heavy cruisers USS Wichita (with Rear Admiral Andrew C. Pickens on board) and USS Quincy departed Montevideo, Uruguay for Buenos Aires, Argentina.
29 Aug 1940 Heavy cruisers USS Wichita (with Rear Admiral Andrew C. Pickens on board) and USS Quincy arrived at Buenos Aires, Argentina.
28 Jul 1942 US Navy and Marines began a four-day amphibious landing exercise at Fiji as rehearsals for the Guadalcanal landings set for two weeks later.
8 Aug 1942 In the pre-dawn morning, 7 Japanese cruisers and 1 destroyer under Gunichi Mikawa departed Kavieng, New Ireland and Rabaul, New Britain, sailing south without being detected; after sundown, the force caught Allied warships by surprise off Guadalcanal in the Solomon Islands; in the Battle of Savo Island, Japanese cruisers ChĹŤkai, Aoba, Kako, Kinugasa, and Furutaka used Type 93 torpedoes and gunfire to sink US cruisers USS Quincy, Vincennes, and Astoria and Australian cruiser HMAS Canberra; 1,077 US personnel were killed in this battle (Canberra was badly damaged and was ultimately scuttled by a US destroyer).

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Visitor Submitted Comments

1. Kathy Perry says:
8 Sep 2009 09:43:27 AM

I am looking for more information on my uncle Samuel Laughon that was an officer on the Quincy.
2. Dorothy Dillinger says:
26 Jul 2010 08:40:12 AM

I am looking for information on my father, Noah "Bud" Dillinger, who served on the Quincy.
3. RLB says:
19 Jul 2011 06:16:41 PM

Looking for any info on Bernard M. Wolfe, USS Quincy 1939
4. Linda Kiddier says:
23 Aug 2011 09:06:35 AM

I am looking for info on my grandfather Luther Joseph Turton who was on the Quincy
5. Polly Dotson says:
3 Oct 2011 02:20:30 AM

I am looking for information on my uncle, Ancie Runyon EM3 on board during first fight at Savo Island when it sunk August 9,1942. He did not survive.
6. Steve Alberti says:
29 Apr 2012 07:16:49 AM

I'm trying to find some information on my uncle, Logan Kidwell, Water Tender on the USS Quincy. He died on the Quincy during the battle of Savo Island. Gratefull for any information!
7. Dennis painter says:
10 Apr 2013 04:13:59 PM

I am looking for information on the Marines aboard the USS Quincy(CA 39) that survived or were killed or listed as MIA on the Guadacanal Landings of 08/09/42 and, specifically, 2nd. Lt. Arthur Gutman and Private John Commers. They may have been in the same unit as both were assigned to Anti-Aircfraft duties. I know that Lt. Gutman was killed prior to the ship sinking, as per a Captain that was a witness, but am not sure about Private Commers. I know that their parents had one Hell of a time getting their benefits out of the Marine Corps. based upon copies of their service records and that is one sad fact that I wished I had not known about. It was over a year before their parents were told about their deaths. I can only imagine the agony they went through as I have seen copies of the letters that went back and forth from the War Department to them. Not only were they kept in the dark about the deaths, the War Department did not inform the parents about what benefits were due them and what $$$ they had in their savings accounts, etc. and had to get their U.S. Reps. involved to get the information for them. I know that in 1942 we were getting our butts kicked by the superior firepower and technology of the Japanese and the government did not want the public to know that but there is no excuse for this type of treatment to the survivors. The parents are long deceased now but i would like to get as much information about this event for their families to make sure they know these brave men did not die in vain. I assume they are resting on the bottom of " Iron Bottom Sound " and I plan on going there to drop some flowers over the wreck site before I die. I was born almost 6 years after their deaths and Private Commers' family were neighbors for several years and they never talked about it and the first time I saw his photo in an old WWII newspaper marked
" lost at sea ", his face has haunted me ever since and I was probably only age 6 at the time.
This event should be made into a movie as all three heavy cruisers went down.
SEMPER FI and MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU forever and May GOD bless you.
Thank you very very much for your service to our country and the payment of the ultimate sacrifice.
8. Janet Peterson says:
11 Nov 2013 02:21:46 PM

My dad Howard Phifer was a survivor of the 1942 sinking of the Quincy. I was born in 1961 and my father never talked about the war; but it affected him for the rest of his life. He died in 1987 when he was 70. I would like to find someone who my have been told about him or maybe even knew him at that time, although I know that's unlikely. I believe he was chief bosents mate and would have been 25 at the time. Also his last name may be mispelled as "Pieffer". I'm having a hard time finding crew information. I do know that he was in the third division,they were known as "the fighting third".
9. Adrian Ringus says:
21 Apr 2014 07:21:14 PM

RINGUS, JULIAN G 2125289 USN BM2 08/09/1942

Julian Gustan Ringus, Boatswain's Mate 2c, USN. Father, Mr. Joseph Ringus, 56 Sanders St., Athol.

Julian was a boxer in the Navy. He won the "Light -JR" boxing gold 26th Division championship in 1938.
He Died on the USS Quincy at the Battle of Savo Island 9 August 1942
My family never got Julian's Purple Heart.
10. Barry Robertson says:
18 Jun 2014 10:04:25 PM

My father,Robert Edward Robertson,was the Quincy when she was sunk.He was a gunners mate on a 5in gun topside.He survived but would rarely talk about it.He once said that there were mistakes made.He mentioned sharks and alot of time before they were picked up.Any info would be greatly appreciated.There's a great book on the fiasico called Neptune's Inferno that I recommend,audio also.It goes into detail about the failures of leadership.
11. Karen E. Jenkins says:
26 Mar 2015 05:00:01 AM

My uncle, James William Hunt was on the Quincy and was a survivor. Need to find a survivor list to prove he was there. He passed away in Sept. 2014 and his naval records are not complete. He was a loader in the number one gun turret. Any information would be appreciated...Thanks
12. Jane L. Ries says:
26 Mar 2015 08:10:34 PM

I do the military pictures for the Effingham County Courthouse Museum in Effingham, Illinois. This veteran, DeWitt Talmadge Van Dyke died aboard the USS Quincy on August 1942. People who are looking for info should check the microfilm of old local newspapers if at all possible. This was one of the articles I found on DeWitt T. Van Dyke. D.T. VAN DYKE, JR., MISSING IN ACTION, NAVY REPORTS

A message was received over the week-end by Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt Van Dyke, Sr., of Effingham, from Secretary of the Navy, Frank Knox, stating that their son, DeWitt Van Dyke Jr., boilermaker first-class in the U.S. Navy, who was reported missing in action August 9, 1943, was killed in action during a major sea battle of Guadalcanal. Van Dyke was aboard the cruiser U.S.S. Quincy at the time of his death. Van Dyke, who was 23 years of age, was a graduate of Effingham high school and had enlisted in the Navy in the fall of 1938. Besides his parents, he leaves one brother, Logan Van Dyke of Effingham, and one sister, Odessa at home.
13. Kim Hoyo Strike says:
26 Apr 2015 07:15:48 AM

I'm looking for infomration about my uncle, Karl T. Hoyo. He was a fireman first class on the Quincy. His nickname was Swede. Two of his best friends on the ship were "Hop" and "Del." Any infomration will be appreciated.
14. Paula Booth says:
24 May 2015 03:51:46 PM

My father Clifton Booth and his brother Charlie Quinton Booth both served on the U.S.S.Quincy when she was sunk. My father survived the ordeal but Charlie Quinton did not. My father was well along in years before he told the story of that terrible attack. This is what he related to me- everyone knew the attack was coming and that last night he and his brother and some shipmates sat on the fantail and talked about their families and what they felt about the possibility of dying--they had been taking men into battle (the marines they had transported) and they knew death was all around. There was lots of conversation about their orders- they were floating around the islands "making lazy eights" waiting for the Japanese Navy to show up but the commanders were certain they wouldn't be in til at least dawn-so they had plenty of time- the men he was with weren't so optimistic. When the shooting started, they weren't prepared. Everyone ran to his station but most of the guns didn't even get off a round. My Dad's gun station did manage to fire several rounds- he said they were pulling up the shells looking down at fires below them- he thought he saw the explosion that wiped out Charlie Quinton's turret but he kept working. When the abandon ship call was made, he walked to the bin where the life jackets were kept (apparently then you didn't wear it til you needed it ?)he said the ship was listing badly by that time and the dead and injured were everywhere but mostly everyone he saw was dead. He said he walked to the rail and because the ship was sinking so rapidly, just walked off into the water. He said the fighting was still going on all around them and the men in the water tried to get away from the ship which was burning and going down fast. What seemed like forever was over in a moment and then the waiting began. The men knew they had lost this battle and lost it bad so they didn't know what would happen. They tried to stay together and not drift off. Before long the shelling was over and they began to hope for rescue. Suddenly they heard gunfire and their first thought was the Japanese sailors were shooting the American survivors in the water. They tried to swim away but the boats kept coming. Finally they heard American voices telling them to swim to them, there are sharks in the water and they can't hold them off. My Dad was picked up and taken aboard another ship. It was there the deaths of his bother,captain and may shipmates were confirmed.
15. Ann Lightbody says:
16 Apr 2016 05:35:47 PM

I'm looking for information on my Great Uncle Joseph Dietz who was on board the USS Quincy went it went down on August 9, 1942. I'm not sure what his rank was. Thank you for any and all information.
16. Commenter identity confirmed David Stubblebine says:
16 Apr 2016 08:13:50 PM

The Muster Rolls for the USS Quincy list a Fireman 3rd class Joseph Francis Dietz from at least 16 Nov 1940 through to the sinking. [It is important to remember what the rating of “Fireman” means in the Navy. These were not firefighters but rather they kept the fires burning in the engine room – commonly called “the black gang.”]
17. Anonymous says:
29 May 2016 07:24:13 PM

Looking for information on Robert McCoy, my uncle. I thought he served on the Quincy. He servived the sinking off salvo island. Would like proof he was part of Quincy's crew.
Much appreciated.
18. Carl Justice says:
7 May 2017 07:36:45 AM

I am a Navy vet. I lost an uncle who was on the USS Quincy in WW11. The ship was sunk before I was born - 1945
Can you confirm Ned Hornick rate/rank?
19. Commenter identity confirmed David Stubblebine says:
7 May 2017 04:38:50 PM

Carl Justice (above):
Edward Henry Hornick, Seaman 1st class, service number 258 21 24, who enlisted 12 Sep 1938 at Baltimore MD, was received aboard Quincy on 8 Apr 1942 from the Receiving Station, Boston MA. He apparently was transferred off the muster rolls on 3 Sep 1942 after Quincy was sunk a month earlier on 9 Aug 1942.
20. Commenter identity confirmed David Stubblebine says:
7 May 2017 04:57:54 PM

Anonymous #17 (above):
Robert John McCoy, Fireman 3rd class, service number 342 08 52, who enlisted 6 Sep 1938 at Kansas City MO, was received aboard Quincy on 5 Jul 1939 at Norfolk VA. He is last mentioned in the Quincy muster rolls on 30 Jun 1942. He is listed in the USS Argonne Dec 1942 muster rolls as a Machinists Mate 1st class and that he was received aboard on 21 Aug 1942.
21. Jack Baker says:
1 Jun 2017 11:02:09 AM

My father-in-law, Harvey E Walker, now 94 was a machinist mate 1st class on the Quincy when it was sunk in August of 1945. His health is failing and I am wondering how many remaining survivors are still alive. And information is greatly appreciated.
22. Anonymous says:
28 Jun 2017 08:43:24 AM

My grandfather, Frederick Milton Higgison was on the Quincy. He survived and was sunk again on the ship that picked him up. I'm trying to find out anything I can as I am now the family historian. Thank you.
23. Carl Justice says:
9 Jul 2017 09:32:45 AM

Edward Henry Hornick, 258-21-24 was KIA when the Quincy went down. He is/was an uncle I never met. I was born in 1945. Are there any photos available through Navy archives? I don't even know what he looked like.
24. Frank Robertson says:
9 Aug 2017 01:25:53 PM

A salute To All Quincy veterans ,You are remembered on this day August 9th 2017
25. Karen Harter says:
15 Aug 2017 11:05:00 AM

Wondering if you can confirm if Joseph Corliss of New York was on the Quincy. He rarely spoke about the war but once told us an emotional story of how they were sunk and just now as I am cleaning out some files, I found a bunch of papers with the history of the USS Quincy and at the end, in his writing, he notes all who died, got injured and the total casualties. Makes me think that was the ship. Thanks. -K
26. Commenter identity confirmed David Stubblebine says:
15 Aug 2017 09:52:05 PM

Karen Harter (above):
The Quincy Muster Rolls list a Joseph Walter Corliss, service number 223 41 12, who enlisted 6 Oct 1937 in Brooklyn NY and was received aboard Quincy 9 Mar 1938 as a Seaman 2nd-class. He left the ship as a Fire Controlman 2nd-class 13 Oct 1941 due to being Honorably Discharged at the end of his enlistment. His discharge was almost 2 months before Pearl Harbor and 10 months before Quincy was sunk. You can learn a lot more about his time in the Navy by requesting a copy of his service record. See http://ww2db.com/faq/#3
27. Anonymous says:
16 Aug 2017 10:08:41 AM

Thank you David. I must get his records as there is more to the story me thinks. I also have typed up history from him of the USS South Dakota (BB 57) and USS Shangri-La (CV 38). Like I said, he never spoke about it so it's all a puzzle for us. Thanks again! -K
28. Anne Gabor says:
21 Oct 2017 07:01:52 AM

My grandfather served on the quincy as a radioman and just happened to be called on shore the night it was sunk. He passed away earlier this year at 94. I'm looking for a crew roster, list of those who served as well as those who perished to help keep their memories alive. Any direction would be much appreciated
29. Mickie Boldt says:
4 Dec 2017 09:44:25 AM

My second cousin, whom we called "Uncle" as he was much older, Clyde Sell served on the Quincy during WWII. I am trying to find the official record of this, but am having no luck. As Anne asked in October - is there a crew roster available anywhere? I would love to find this information - thanks!
30. Margo Adams says:
12 Jan 2018 09:10:34 PM

My great uncle, my father's namesake died at the battle of Savo Island on the USS Quincy.
31. allucier says:
12 Apr 2018 10:20:10 AM

my Father was on the ship when it sunk
32. Sam Morrison says:
27 May 2018 11:22:12 AM

My father, C.F. Morrison,MD was aboard the night she sank.
33. Bri Hill says:
27 Aug 2018 12:02:37 PM

My grandfather's brother was aboard, and I was hoping to find more information
34. Anonymous says:
25 Dec 2018 04:46:00 PM

Harold junior west survived the sinking. Any info on him.
35. Mark Minges says:
31 Dec 2018 03:14:00 PM

My uncle "Hugh" Ferguson Minges was on the ship the night it sunk. Would appreciate any info on him.
36. Jodi Astley says:
25 Jul 2019 06:49:08 AM

My Father. Wallace (Wally) Rehbein served proudly aboard the USS Quincy, he survived the ship being sunk, he went on to live a wonderful life with the love of his life and brought me in to this world. I have heard stories from my Dad of how he cooked for the whole crew.. as well as the courage these men showed the night their ship was sunk, my Dad did not like to talk about that night, yet he did portray to me the fear those whom survived experienced that fateful night.
Sadly, my Dad passed away in 2016 but lived a wonderful life. and had a wonderful loving family.
I just wanted to give an update to anyone who served along side my Dad, as well as give my sincere thank you to all of you who served proudly on the USS Quincy.
Thank You For Your Service!!
37. Kelly says:
4 Aug 2019 05:59:37 PM

Warren Keyes was a survivor of this battle on the USS Quincy and I would love more information on him or this battle.
38. Commenter identity confirmed David Stubblebine says:
5 Aug 2019 09:26:30 PM

Kelly (above):
Navy Muster Rolls list Seaman 1st-class Warren Lee Keyes, service number 337 61 99, enlisted 5 Jun 1941 at St. Louis, Missouri and reported aboard USS Quincy 8 Apr 1942 at Boston, Massachusetts and was immediate transferred to Quincy’s aviation unit, Cruiser Scouting Squadron 7. The Rolls later list him being transferred to the troop ship USS Wharton 10 Aug 1942 as a survivor of the Quincy. Warren Keyes’ service record will have much more detail about his time in the Navy. For more on how to order a copy, see https://ww2db.com/faq/#3.
39. Linwood Smith says:
11 Aug 2019 08:30:07 PM

My uncle, Ensign Norman Keene
Smith, served on the USS Quincy and died during the Battle of Savo Island. He was MIA. Looking for information about him.
40. Garry Bryan says:
6 Mar 2020 04:39:01 PM

Was looking for a crew list listing my father Vernon Bryan Jr. as crew member. He survived Savo Island and had a book dedicated to him for keep pressure to re-open the investigation into the collapse of the chain of command.
41. Brian Curran says:
8 Jul 2020 12:28:43 PM

I have a bunch of photos from my grandfather from the Quincy in 1936-37. Linwood, would your uncle have gone by "Red" Keene by any chance? I have a photo of "Red" Keane (spelled this way but could be wrong).
42. Jennifer says:
19 Nov 2020 02:59:58 PM

I am looking for any Information about John Robert King, who served on the Quincy in 1939. Thanks
43. Mark Minges says:
30 Nov 2020 08:02:06 AM

My Uncle, Hugh F. Minges, served on the Quincy. He was an anti-aircraft gunner, I believe. He was aboard her when she was sunk. He would've been around 20 years of age then. He survived the war, lived to be 70.
44. Anonymous says:
31 May 2021 10:26:24 AM

Looking for any information on William Lee Jones, Age22 , EM at the time of the Quincy sinking. Born in Akron, Ohio. I am his daughter that he never got to meet and I would appreciate any and all information bout my Dad.
45. Anonymous says:
22 Jul 2024 11:52:19 AM

My uncle friend Robert Mathena died on the Quincy.Were from a little town in Pa. named Pitcairn.
46. Anonymous says:
23 Jul 2024 07:42:47 AM

Robert Mathena told my uncle, because being a shipfitter, if the Quincy went down he would go down with it.

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Heavy Cruiser Quincy (New Orleans-class) (CA-39) Photo Gallery
Quincy underway in the late 1930sQuincy and Tuscaloosa near Strait of Magellan, 14 May 1939
See all 11 photographs of Heavy Cruiser Quincy (New Orleans-class) (CA-39)

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"You ask, what is our aim? I can answer in one word. It is victory. Victory at all costs. Victory in spite of all terrors. Victory, however long and hard the road may be, for without victory there is no survival."

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