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World War II Database

25 items in this album on 2 pages.

Map of the China-Burma-India Theater highlighting the Burma and Ledo Roads to ChungkingMap marking major Japanese campaigns in China in 1937
Map of the China-Burma-India Theater highlighting the Burma and Ledo Roads to ChungkingMap marking major Japanese campaigns in China in 1937
Map of the Battle of WuhanMap marking major Japanese campaigns in China in 1938 and 1939
Map of the Battle of WuhanMap marking major Japanese campaigns in China in 1938 and 1939
Soviet map of Battle of Khalkhin Gol, 20-31 Aug 1939Map depicting Japanese plans for occupying China immediately before launching the third attack on Changsha, China, 3 Dec 1941
Soviet map of Battle of Khalkhin Gol, 20-31 Aug 1939Map depicting Japanese plans for occupying China immediately before launching the third attack on Changsha, China, 3 Dec 1941
Map showing Japanese offensives in Dec 1941Map of eastern India and northern Burma showing Japanese occupation and Allied supply routes in 1942. Note Burma Road, The Hump route, and the track of the future Ledo Road that opened in 1945.
Map showing Japanese offensives in Dec 1941Map of eastern India and northern Burma showing Japanese occupation and Allied supply routes in 1942. Note Burma Road, The Hump route, and the track of the future Ledo Road that opened in 1945.
Map showing Nagumo’s and Ozawa’s movements during the Indian Ocean Raids of Apr 1942.Map of Japanese and Allied movements in Burma, Apr-May 1942
Map showing Nagumo’s and Ozawa’s movements during the Indian Ocean Raids of Apr 1942.Map of Japanese and Allied movements in Burma, Apr-May 1942
Map showing Japanese offensives in Malaya, Burma, and the Indian Ocean, Jan-May 1942Map depicting the transportation routes in the China-Burma-India theater, 1942-1943
Map showing Japanese offensives in Malaya, Burma, and the Indian Ocean, Jan-May 1942Map depicting the transportation routes in the China-Burma-India theater, 1942-1943
Map of situation in India and Burma, Nov 1943-May 1944Map depicting movements for Operation Ichigo, mid-Apr 1944
Map of situation in India and Burma, Nov 1943-May 1944Map depicting movements for Operation Ichigo, mid-Apr 1944
Map depicting the movement of Allied H, K, and M forces toward Myitkyina, Burma, 28 Apr to 16 May 1944Map depicting the arrival of Allied H, K, and M forces at Myitkyina, Burma, 17-19 May 1944
Map depicting the movement of Allied H, K, and M forces toward Myitkyina, Burma, 28 Apr to 16 May 1944Map depicting the arrival of Allied H, K, and M forces at Myitkyina, Burma, 17-19 May 1944
Map depicting the Salween Offensive, 11 May-30 Jun 1944Map of the Japanese Operation Ichigo offensive in China, Apr-Dec 1944
Map depicting the Salween Offensive, 11 May-30 Jun 1944Map of the Japanese Operation Ichigo offensive in China, Apr-Dec 1944
Map noting final Japanese lines in China and Burma between Operation Ichigo of mid-1944 and the end of the Pacific WarMap of Burma in 1944-45 showing lines of supply by rail and by road. Note the Burma Road and the Ledo Road labeled as the Stillwell Road.
Map noting final Japanese lines in China and Burma between Operation Ichigo of mid-1944 and the end of the Pacific WarMap of Burma in 1944-45 showing lines of supply by rail and by road. Note the Burma Road and the Ledo Road labeled as the Stillwell Road.

25 items in this album on 2 pages.

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Famous WW2 Quote
"With Germany arming at breakneck speed, England lost in a pacifist dream, France corrupt and torn by dissension, America remote and indifferent... do you not tremble for your children?"

Winston Churchill, 1935

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