27,688 items in this album on 1,385 pages.
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L-4 Grasshopper aircraft at rest, mid-1940 to May 1942 | L-6A Grasshopper at rest, date unknown |
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Launch of a V-2 rocket, Peenemünde, Germany, 1940s | Launching a Re.2000 Falco I fighter from Vittorio Veneto's catapult, circa 1942-1943, photo 1 of 2 |
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Launching a Re.2000 Falco I fighter from Vittorio Veneto's catapult, circa 1942-1943, photo 2 of 2 | Launching of a V-2 rocket, Peenemünde, Germany, 1940s |
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Leaflet encouraging Chinese civilians to help Americans fighting in China. Bottom text a Chinese proverb that mirrored 'reap what you sow'; center text explained Allied CBI and USAAF emblems | Leaflet encouraging Chinese civilians to help Americans fighting in China. Text on right 'Americans never forget those who help them'; text on left 'recognize the American flag' |
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Leaflet encouraging Chinese civilians to help Americans fighting in China. Text on right was a Chinese proverb that mirrored 'reap what you sow'; text on left explained the Allied emblem in CBI | Lee aboard USS Washington, circa 1942-1943 |
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Leng Peishu during training in the United States, 1940s | Leningrad building damaged by German artillery, Russia, Dec 1941-Jan 1942 |
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Léon Degrelle speaking, date unknown | Lieutenant Colonel Oskar Bauer with German children, 1942 |
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Lieutenant General Joseph Stilwell awarding the Purple Heart medal to Lieutenant Colonel Frank Merrill, India, 1942 | Light cruiser Kiso in the Aleutian Islands, 1942; note Arctic camouflage |
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Light cruiser Molotov firing her guns, circa 1941-1942 | Light cruiser Molotov, circa 1940s |
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Light cruiser Tama in arctic camouflage, 1942 | Light cruiser Voroshilov, Batumi, Georgia, 1942 |
27,688 items in this album on 1,385 pages.