27,654 items in this album on 1,383 pages.
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Panzer IV tank of the German 12th SS Panzer Division 'Hitlerjugend' in Belgium or France, 1943 | Panzer IV tank of the German 12th SS Panzer Division 'Hitlerjugend' in Belgium or France, operating under supervision of Army officers, 1943 |
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Panzer VI (Tiger I) tank and SdKfz. 251 halftrack vehicle, Tunisia, 1943 | Parade ground at a US Army facility, Fiji, 1942-1944 |
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Parade of military vehicles, Queen Street, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, circa 1943; note Diamond T tank transporters with Matilda tanks | Parafrag bombs falling in Simpson Harbor, Rabaul, New Britain, 1940s |
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Pavel Rotmistrov, 1940s | Pavlov's House, Stalingrad, Russia, 1943; note Gergardt Mill building in background |
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PBY-5A aircraft in flight, 1942-1943 | Personnel of a German Army Panzerjäeger unit, 1943 |
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Personnel of US Army Medical Detachment 1340, Fiji, 1942-1944; Harry Peters, standing, 7th from right | Pilot of a Japanese Ki-48 bomber preparing for a mission, circa 1940s |
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Plan for camouflage Measure 32v11 Design 18D for USS North Carolina, circa 1943, 1 of 2 | Plan for camouflage Measure 32v11 Design 18D for USS North Carolina, circa 1943, 2 of 2 |
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Plan for camouflage Measure 32v6 Design 10D for USS North Carolina, circa 1943, 1 of 2; this design would remain unused | Plan for camouflage Measure 32v6 Design 10D for USS North Carolina, circa 1943, 2 of 2; this design would remain unused |
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Policewomen Corporal Marion Jacklin (left) and Sergeant Annie Miller (hidden) speaking to Corporal Jessie Brown and Leading Aircraftwoman Pat Walton at a market, India, 1941-1945; all of these women were WAAF personnel | Polish 1st Armoured Division Mk VI Crusader tank in Haddington, Scotland, United Kingdom, 1943 |
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Polish commando troops exercising in Scotland, United Kingdom, 1943; note Bren light machine gun without magazine | Port side view of USS Marlin underway, circa 1943 |
27,654 items in this album on 1,383 pages.