16,331 items in this album on 817 pages.
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P-51 Mustang fighters of the US Army Air Force 375th Fighter Squadron flying in formation, Europe, 7 Jul-9 Aug 1944 | Polish resistance fighters with various small arms at the intersection of Swietokrzyska and Mazowiecka Streets, Warsaw, Poland, Aug 1944 |
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PT-396, an American built British Vosper design 70-foot motor torpedo boat during builder trials off New York, Aug 1944. Note that the censors scratched out the radar atop the mast. | Railway station in ruins, Saint-Lô, France, 1944 |
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Sgt Otto A Sobanjo 755th Bomb Squadron sits in the tail turret of B-24J Liberator “Lily Marlene” at RAF Horsham St Faith, Norfolk, England, UK, Aug 1944. | Soviet soldiers inspecting the ovens at Majdanek Concentration Camp, Lublin, Poland, Jul-Aug 1944 |
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Treating a wounded US Marine, Guam, Jul-Aug 1944 | US Army CCKW 2 1/2-ton 6x6 cargo trucks bringing supplies to US Navy LSTs, Naples, Italy in preparation for the invasion of southern France, Aug 1944 |
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US Army convoy making its way through the devastated ruins of St. Lô, France, Aug 1944 | US Marine Corps M4 Sherman tank blasts a Japanese pillbox in advance of 3rd Division infantry on Guam, Mariana Islands, Aug 1944. Note combat cameraman with hand-held movie camera standing behind the tank |
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US Marines during mop-up operations at Tinian, Mariana Islands, Aug 1944 | US Marines operating a DUKW, Guam, Jul-Aug 1944 |
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US Navy African-American Richard Salter, talker of a gun station aboard escort carrier USS Tulagi, off Southern France, Aug 1944 | US Navy personnel Anna Welsh, Jackie Welsh, Evalyne Olsen, and Harold Howey, Naval Air Station, New Orleans, Louisiana, United States, circa 1944 |
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USS Intrepid moored behind USS Enterprise at Ford Island, Pearl Harbor, Territory of Hawaii, Aug 1944 | USS Kete underway in Lake Michigan, United States, Aug 1944 |
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USS St. Louis at Guam, Mariana Islands painted in Measure 32, Design 2C “Dazzle” paint, 1944. | Victory-ship Nicaragua Victory on Shipway 5 at Shipyard No. 1 at the Kaiser Richmond Shipyards, Richmond, California, United States, Aug 1944. |
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Vought OS2U Kingfisher floatplane being hoisted aboard the battleship USS Missouri during her Atlantic shakedown cruise, Aug 1944. | WASP pilots in front of the squadron Beech C-45 Expeditor, “Miss Fifinella,” named in honor of the WASP mascot, 1944, location uncertain but likely Avenger Field, Sweetwater, Texas, United States. |
16,331 items in this album on 817 pages.