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'KILL THE BASTARDS!' sign somewhere in the Pacific Theater

Caption     'KILL THE BASTARDS!' sign somewhere in the Pacific Theater ww2dbase
Photographer    Unknown
Photo Size 335 x 480 pixels
Added By David Stubblebine
Licensing  This work is believed to be a product of the government and therefore in the public domain.

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Visitor Submitted Comments

1. Commenter identity confirmed C. Peter Chen says:
8 Feb 2010 08:26:15 PM

The sign reads:

KILL THE BASTARDS! Down this road marched one of the regiments of the United States Army - Knights Serving the Queen of Battles - Twenty of their wounded in litters were bayoneted, shot, and clubbed by the yellow bellies. KILL THE BASTARDS!
1 Oct 2012 09:38:26 PM

I have the original photograph and many others from WWII.
Selling at auction this month
3. Anonymous says:
31 Oct 2018 11:01:38 AM

Cathy Burk, do you know the name of the person who took the photo was?
4. Allen Skaggs says:
26 Nov 2019 08:52:30 PM

I have a copy of this photo and several others from my dad's collection. He died in 1980 and a few after I took them to the head of a local university library. He said he obviously couldn't say if they were the originals, but they were authentic. I don't know how my dad got these (especially the signing of the Japanese surrender on board the Missouri).
5. Anonymous says:
25 Apr 2020 04:43:56 AM

Have this photo and many more and the negatives
6. Anonymous says:
8 Jul 2020 08:33:32 PM

I have the same copy set of photos. They belonged to my grandfather who was in the Navy during WW2. I have several more also, some of mass graves and one of a headhunter holding a severed head.
7. Anonymous says:
29 May 2023 06:36:29 PM

My father was in WWII Navy - he left us his photos of Kill The Bastards, the headhunter holding a head and so many gruesome action pictures- he even has a photo of the raising the American Flag at Iwo Jima

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