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23 Aug 1945

  • A new British colonial administration departed Colombo, Ceylon for Singapore. ww2dbase [Colombo | CPC]
  • The Soviet Union announced that all Japanese resistance in the Manchuria region of northeastern China had ceased. Meanwhile, Soviet troops received the surrender of the Japanese garrison at Paramushiro, Kurile Islands. ww2dbase [Manchurian Strategic Offensive | CPC]
  • He Yingqin ordered Japanese generals in northern and eastern China to continue to maintain peace until Nationalist forces would arrive to relieve them. ww2dbase [Japan's Surrender | He Yingqin | CPC]
  • The Chinese communists declared the slogan "peace, democracy, and unification", which conveyed the message of cooperation with the Nationalist government. The real intention, however, was to curry favor from the Americans, while buying time to strengthen its military and political positions. ww2dbase [CPC]
French Indochina
  • In the morning, Viet Minh forces took took control of Hue, Annam, French Indochina. In the afternoon, Viet Minh leadership organized a demonstration to legitimize the takeover; this was participated by minor figures in the royal family. Although the demonstrated refrained from entering the palace, they nevertheless caused Emperor Bao Dai to consider abdication. At the same time, Viet Minh personnel arrested former premier Pham Quynh and former minister Ngo Dinh Khoi and his son. ww2dbase [Bao Dai | Hue, Annam | CPC]
  • Tran Trong Kim stepped down as the Prime Minister of the Empire of Vietnam. ww2dbase [Tran Trong Kim | CPC]
Guam Japan
  • USS Yorktown (Essex-class) received orders to operate east of Honshu, Japan and provide cover for the forces occupying Japan. ww2dbase [Japan's Surrender | Yorktown (Essex-class) | DS]
  • Japanese news agency Do Trzei announced the death of Subhash Chandra Bose. ww2dbase [Subhash Chandra Bose | CPC]
  • USS New Mexico departed Okinawa, Japan. ww2dbase [New Mexico | Okinawa | CPC]
  • USS Shangri-La began conducting missions to drop supplies to Allied prisoners of war in the Japanese home islands. ww2dbase [Shangri-La | CPC]
Pacific Ocean
  • Southeast of Japan, Task Group 30.1 was formed consisting of fleet flagship USS Missouri with USS Nicholas, USS O’Bannon, and USS Taylor as escorts at the specific request of Admiral William Halsey. ww2dbase [Missouri | Japan's Surrender | Nicholas | DS]
  • Douglas MacArthur ordered the release of all Filipinos, most of whom Japanese collaborators, who were interned by the US Army. He noted that their fates would be tried by the Filipino government, not by the US military. ww2dbase [Douglas MacArthur | Manila | CPC]
United Kingdom
  • The United Kingdom ratified the United Nations Charter. ww2dbase [CPC]
United States US Pacific Islands Photo(s) dated 23 Aug 1945
James Forrestal, Henry Stimson, George Marshall, Ernest King, Henry Arnold, and others at a Medal of Honor presentation ceremony, White House, Washington DC, United States, 23 Aug 1945

23 Aug 1945 Interactive Map

Timeline Section Founder: Thomas Houlihan
Contributors: Alan Chanter, C. Peter Chen, Thomas Houlihan, Hugh Martyr, David Stubblebine
Special Thanks: Rory Curtis

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Captain Henry P. Jim Crowe, Guadalcanal, 13 Jan 1943

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