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13 Aug 1944
  • The Soviet minesweeper T.114 (formerly the USS Alchemy) was sunk by the German submarine U-365 in the Kara Sea in the Arctic Circle. ww2dbase [AC]
  • At the end of the day, USS Ray began pursuing a small Japanese convoy off Borneo, Dutch East Indies, firing 4 torpedoes, all of which missed. ww2dbase [Ray | CPC]
Australia France Hawaii Japan Marshall Islands Pacific Ocean
  • USS Archerfish exchanged gunfire with a Japanese patrol boat in the Pacific Ocean south of Japan. The Japanese patrol boat was struck several times but did not sink. ww2dbase [Archerfish | CPC]
  • The US submarine Flier struck a naval mine and sank in the Balacbac Strait just off the southern tip of Palawan in the Philippine Islands. ww2dbase [Flier | Palawan | AC, CPC]
  • After sundown, 20 aircraft from No. 205 Bomber Group RAF, 4 aircraft from No. 1586 (Polish Special Duties) Flight RAF, and 4 aircraft from No. 148 (Special Duties) Squadron RAF dropped supplies for resistance fighters in Warsaw, Poland. 1 British aircraft of No. 178 Squadron and 2 South African aircraft of No. 31 Squadron SAAF were lost. ww2dbase [Warsaw Uprising | Warsaw | CPC]
United Kingdom
  • There were 19 V-1 flying bombs launched against Britain by Heinkel aircraft from III/KG3 during the night, only half of the number launched by air the previous evening. The Gruppe were having to evacuate their base at Rozières, Picardy, France, as the Allied advance was approaching the area, they would fly to Venlo in the Netherlands but would not launch any further bombs for a week. Squadron 274 lost a pilot, Flight Sergeant Royston Ryman flew into a hilltop at Elham, Kent, whilst conducting an anti-Diver patrol. A further seventeen V-1 flying bombs were shot down by anti-aircraft fire, one of which fell and exploded near to Lydden Spout coastal battery at Dover, Kent where a serviceman was badly wounded and four others slightly injured. ww2dbase [Vergeltungswaffe 1 | V-Weapons Campaign | Dover, England | HM]
Photo(s) dated 13 Aug 1944
Church services for men of the US 3rd Division on the forecastle of LST-4, en route to the Southern France landings, 13 Aug 1944Soldiers and sailors singing hymns during religious services on board LST-4 en route to Southern France, 13 Aug 1944Map depicting the Allied breakout in Normandy, France, 1-13 Aug 1944B-24J Liberators of the 565th Bomb Squadron bomb targets in St Malo, France, Aug 13 1944. The aircraft seen here was destroyed the next day when it crash landed and burned at RAF Hethel, Norfolk.
See all photos dated 13 Aug 1944

13 Aug 1944 Interactive Map

Timeline Section Founder: Thomas Houlihan
Contributors: Alan Chanter, C. Peter Chen, Thomas Houlihan, Hugh Martyr, David Stubblebine
Special Thanks: Rory Curtis

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Lt. Gen. Lewis B. "Chesty" Puller, at Guadalcanal

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