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Semovente 75/34 file photo [10622]

Semovente 75/34

Primary RoleSelf-Propelled Gun


ww2dbaseThe Semovente 75/34 self-propelled guns were introduced in 1942 as the successor to the Semovente 75/18 design. While the 75/18 vehicles were effective, their guns' relatively short range and low muzzle velocity left something more to be desired. The 75/34 design, therefore, called for the longer 75-millimeter L34 gun that had greater hitting power; the range was increased to 12,500 meters and the muzzle velocity was increased to 624 meters per second. They were built atop the M15/42 tank chassis, which were also equipped with more powerful engines when compared to the 75/18 predecessors. They were accepted into service on 29 Apr 1943. 192 of the 75/34 design were built by Italy by the Sep 1943 surrender.

ww2dbase36 of them were taken over by the German forces after Sep 1943. They were used by the Germans in Italy under the designation Sturmgeschütz M42 mit 75/34 851(i). A further 80 examples were built by Italian factories under German supervision between 1943 and 1944.

ww2dbaseSource: Wikipedia.

Last Major Revision: Jul 2010


Semovente 75/34
MachineryOne Fiat SPA M15 (15TB) 8-cylinder engine rated at 192hp
SuspensionVertical volute spring
Armament1x75mm L34 gun, 1x8mm Breda Model 38 machine gun
Armor50mm front
Length5.04 m
Width2.23 m
Height1.80 m
Weight15.0 t
Speed40 km/h
Range230 km

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Visitor Submitted Comments

1. Gregg says:
31 Jul 2010 07:52:19 AM

I read all the time where the German Military would take advantage of planes, tanks, armored vehicles, machine guns, rifles and EVERYTHING else they captured from other countries and use the best to their advantage.

I have listing of the B-17s they recycled and they recycled all kinds of Allied planes including a P-38 that a US pilot landed in the wrong airport.

After the war everyone wanted German Jets, subs, tanks and weapons.

However during the actual war did any one use the enemies weapons, planes, and whatever else to their advantage as successfully as the Germans did?

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