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Puget Sound Navy Yard, Bremerton, Washington, United States, 25 Jul 1941, photo 1 of 4; note AVPs Barnegat, Biscayne, Casco, Mackinac, BB Colorado, AG Utah, AK Aroostook, and AR PrometheusPuget Sound Navy Yard, Bremerton, Washington, United States, 25 Jul 1941, photo 2 of 4; note AVPs Barnegat, Biscayne, Casco, Mackinac, BB Colorado, AG Utah, AK Aroostook, and AR Prometheus
Puget Sound Navy Yard, Bremerton, Washington, United States, 25 Jul 1941, photo 1 of 4; note AVPs Barnegat, Biscayne, Casco, Mackinac, BB Colorado, AG Utah, AK Aroostook, and AR PrometheusPuget Sound Navy Yard, Bremerton, Washington, United States, 25 Jul 1941, photo 2 of 4; note AVPs Barnegat, Biscayne, Casco, Mackinac, BB Colorado, AG Utah, AK Aroostook, and AR Prometheus
Puget Sound Navy Yard, Bremerton, Washington, United States, 25 Jul 1941, photo 3 of 4; note AVPs Barnegat, Biscayne, Casco, Mackinac, BB Colorado, AG Utah, AK Aroostook, and AR PrometheusPuget Sound Navy Yard, Bremerton, Washington, United States, 25 Jul 1941, photo 4 of 4; note AVPs Barnegat, Biscayne, Casco, Mackinac, BB Colorado, AG Utah, AK Aroostook, and AR Prometheus
Puget Sound Navy Yard, Bremerton, Washington, United States, 25 Jul 1941, photo 3 of 4; note AVPs Barnegat, Biscayne, Casco, Mackinac, BB Colorado, AG Utah, AK Aroostook, and AR PrometheusPuget Sound Navy Yard, Bremerton, Washington, United States, 25 Jul 1941, photo 4 of 4; note AVPs Barnegat, Biscayne, Casco, Mackinac, BB Colorado, AG Utah, AK Aroostook, and AR Prometheus
Broadside view of Biscayne in her original configuration with a large crane and clear fantail, Boston Navy Yard, Massachusetts, United States, 19 Jan 1942; note OS2U Kingfisher aircraft on tailPort bow view of Biscayne in her original configuration with a large crane and clear fantail, Boston Navy Yard, Massachusetts, United States, 19 Jan 1942; note OS2U Kingfisher aircraft on tail
Broadside view of Biscayne in her original configuration with a large crane and clear fantail, Boston Navy Yard, Massachusetts, United States, 19 Jan 1942; note OS2U Kingfisher aircraft on tailPort bow view of Biscayne in her original configuration with a large crane and clear fantail, Boston Navy Yard, Massachusetts, United States, 19 Jan 1942; note OS2U Kingfisher aircraft on tail
Port quarter view of Biscayne in her original configuration with a large crane and clear fantail, Boston Navy Yard, Massachusetts, United States, 19 Jan 1942; note OS2U Kingfisher aircraft on tailBiscayne off the Boston Navy Yard, Massachusetts, United States, 7 May 1942
Port quarter view of Biscayne in her original configuration with a large crane and clear fantail, Boston Navy Yard, Massachusetts, United States, 19 Jan 1942; note OS2U Kingfisher aircraft on tailBiscayne off the Boston Navy Yard, Massachusetts, United States, 7 May 1942
Biscayne as the flagship of the British Army General J. L. Hawksworth and US Navy Rear Admiral Richard L. Connolly aboard Biscayne, 6 Sep 1943, while preparing for Salerno, Italy landings
Biscayne as the flagship of the 'Joss' (Licata) invasion force during the invasion of Sicily, Jul 1943; destroyer Buck in foregroundBritish Army General J. L. Hawksworth and US Navy Rear Admiral Richard L. Connolly aboard Biscayne, 6 Sep 1943, while preparing for Salerno, Italy landings
Biscayne as the flagship of the of the Anzio, Italy landings, 21-22 Jan 1944; note PT boat alongsideBiscayne participating in amphibious exercises off Arzew, Algeria as flagship of US Navy Rear Admiral B. J. Rodgers, 10-11 Jun 1944
Biscayne as the flagship of the of the Anzio, Italy landings, 21-22 Jan 1944; note PT boat alongsideBiscayne participating in amphibious exercises off Arzew, Algeria as flagship of US Navy Rear Admiral B. J. Rodgers, 10-11 Jun 1944
Biscayne, Doran, and another ship docked at Arzew, Algeria, 11 Jun 1944
Biscayne, Doran, and another ship docked at Arzew, Algeria, 11 Jun 1944
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Famous WW2 Quote
"With Germany arming at breakneck speed, England lost in a pacifist dream, France corrupt and torn by dissension, America remote and indifferent... do you not tremble for your children?"

Winston Churchill, 1935

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