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Arthur Coningham, Carl Spaatz, Arthur Tedder, and Laurence Kuter, Apr 1943Brigadier General Jesse Auton, General Dwight Eisenhower, Lieutenant General Carl Spaatz, Major General James Doolittle, Major General William E. Kepner, Colonel Donald M. Blakeslee, RAF Debden, Essex, England, United Kingdom, 11 Apr 1944. VIPs were present for the presentation of Blakeslee with the Distinguished Service Cross
Arthur Coningham, Carl Spaatz, Arthur Tedder, and Laurence Kuter, Apr 1943Brigadier General Jesse Auton, General Dwight Eisenhower, Lieutenant General Carl Spaatz, Major General James Doolittle, Major General William E. Kepner, Colonel Donald M. Blakeslee, RAF Debden, Essex, England, United Kingdom, 11 Apr 1944. VIPs were present for the presentation of Blakeslee with the Distinguished Service Cross
Supreme Allied Commander General Dwight Eisenhower (left) and other dignitaries examining a 4,000-pound bomb at RAF Bassingbourn in Cambridgeshire, England in the spring of 1944.Carl Spaatz, George Patton, James Doolittle, Hoyt Vandenberg, and Otto Weyland in France, 1944
Supreme Allied Commander General Dwight Eisenhower (left) and other dignitaries examining a 4,000-pound bomb at RAF Bassingbourn in Cambridgeshire, England in the spring of 1944.Carl Spaatz, George Patton, James Doolittle, Hoyt Vandenberg, and Otto Weyland in France, 1944
British Air Chief Marshal Arthur Tedder, General Bernard Montgomery, American Lieutenant General Carl Spaatz, and Major General Ralph Royce meeting at Montgomery’s headquarters in Blay, Normandy, France, 15 Aug 1944.MGen ER “Pete” Quaseda, with pointer, conducting an Air-Ground Liaison briefing for LtGen Carl Spaatz (glasses) and LtGen James Doolittle (seated), VII Corps Headquarters, Münsterbusch, Germany, 19 Nov 1944
British Air Chief Marshal Arthur Tedder, General Bernard Montgomery, American Lieutenant General Carl Spaatz, and Major General Ralph Royce meeting at Montgomery’s headquarters in Blay, Normandy, France, 15 Aug 1944.MGen ER “Pete” Quaseda, with pointer, conducting an Air-Ground Liaison briefing for LtGen Carl Spaatz (glasses) and LtGen James Doolittle (seated), VII Corps Headquarters, Münsterbusch, Germany, 19 Nov 1944
Chief Air Marshall Sir Arthur Tedder and LtGen Carl Spaatz in the office of Marshall Georgy Zhukov before the German surrender was signed at Zhukov’s Headquarters at Karlshorst, Berlin, Germany, 7 May 1945Officers gather around a table at Eisenhower’s headquarters to sign the instruments of the German surrender, Reims, France, 7 May 1945. Photo 1 of 2
Chief Air Marshall Sir Arthur Tedder and LtGen Carl Spaatz in the office of Marshall Georgy Zhukov before the German surrender was signed at Zhukov’s Headquarters at Karlshorst, Berlin, Germany, 7 May 1945Officers gather around a table at Eisenhower’s headquarters to sign the instruments of the German surrender, Reims, France, 7 May 1945. Photo 1 of 2
Officers gather around a table at Eisenhower’s headquarters to sign the instruments of the German surrender, Reims, France, 7 May 1945. Photo 2 of 2Soviet General Ivan Susloparov signing the documents of Germany
Officers gather around a table at Eisenhower’s headquarters to sign the instruments of the German surrender, Reims, France, 7 May 1945. Photo 2 of 2Soviet General Ivan Susloparov signing the documents of Germany's surrender, Reims, France, 7 May 1945. His aide is on the left and USAAF LtGen Carl Spaatz on the right.
Front: Simpson, Patton, Spaatz, Eisenhower, Bradley, Hodges, Gerow. Back: Stearley, Vandenburg, Smith, Weiland, and Nugent. 12th Army Group Headquarters Bad Wildungen, Germany, 11 May 1945Letter from US War Department to Carl Spaatz, ordering the use of atomic weapons, 25 Jul 1945
Front: Simpson, Patton, Spaatz, Eisenhower, Bradley, Hodges, Gerow. Back: Stearley, Vandenburg, Smith, Weiland, and Nugent. 12th Army Group Headquarters Bad Wildungen, Germany, 11 May 1945Letter from US War Department to Carl Spaatz, ordering the use of atomic weapons, 25 Jul 1945
MacArthur signing Japanese surrender aboard USS Missouri, 2 Sep 1945, photo 4 of 4Mamoru Shigemitsu signing the surrender instrument aboard USS Missouri, Tokyo Bay, Japan, 2 Sep 1945, photo 4 of 4
MacArthur signing Japanese surrender aboard USS Missouri, 2 Sep 1945, photo 4 of 4Mamoru Shigemitsu signing the surrender instrument aboard USS Missouri, Tokyo Bay, Japan, 2 Sep 1945, photo 4 of 4
Nimitz signing the instrument of surrender, Tokyo Bay, Japan, 2 Sep 1945, photo 1 of 2Nimitz signing the instrument of surrender, Tokyo Bay, Japan, 2 Sep 1945, photo 2 of 2
Nimitz signing the instrument of surrender, Tokyo Bay, Japan, 2 Sep 1945, photo 1 of 2Nimitz signing the instrument of surrender, Tokyo Bay, Japan, 2 Sep 1945, photo 2 of 2
One page from the USS Missouri deck log for 2 Sep 1945 listing many of the dignitaries who came aboard for the surrender ceremony in Tokyo Bay, Japan.
One page from the USS Missouri deck log for 2 Sep 1945 listing many of the dignitaries who came aboard for the surrender ceremony in Tokyo Bay, Japan.
Further Reading

Read more about Carl Spaatz

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Famous WW2 Quote
"We no longer demand anything, we want war."

Joachim von Ribbentrop, German Foreign Minister, Aug 1939

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