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Accused Japanese war criminals Sadaichi, Nakamura, Shoxo, Jinichiro, Majoto, Tamotsu, Mesami, Ken, Ryuichi, and Tadasu on trial at the Supreme Court of Singapore, 21 Jan 1946Three accused Japanese war criminal being led to their cells at the Supreme Court of Singapore, 21 Jan 1946
Accused Japanese war criminals Sadaichi, Nakamura, Shoxo, Jinichiro, Majoto, Tamotsu, Mesami, Ken, Ryuichi, and Tadasu on trial at the Supreme Court of Singapore, 21 Jan 1946Three accused Japanese war criminal being led to their cells at the Supreme Court of Singapore, 21 Jan 1946
Battleship Massachusetts underway at 6 knots in Puget Sound, Washington, United States after her final overhaul, 22 Jan 1946Aerial view of the Pearl Harbor repair basin with Ford Island beyond, Pearl Harbor, US Territory of Hawaii, 16 to 23 Jan 1946
Battleship Massachusetts underway at 6 knots in Puget Sound, Washington, United States after her final overhaul, 22 Jan 1946Aerial view of the Pearl Harbor repair basin with Ford Island beyond, Pearl Harbor, US Territory of Hawaii, 16 to 23 Jan 1946
President Harry Truman congratulating Lieutenant Donald Gary after Gary received the Medal of Honor, the White House, Washington, DC, United States, 23 Jan 1946USS Bennington alongside Ford Island at Berth F-2 in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, 23 Jan 1946. Note her freshly painted peacetime white deck markings and camouflage paint on some of the Ford Island buildings.
President Harry Truman congratulating Lieutenant Donald Gary after Gary received the Medal of Honor, the White House, Washington, DC, United States, 23 Jan 1946USS Bennington alongside Ford Island at Berth F-2 in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, 23 Jan 1946. Note her freshly painted peacetime white deck markings and camouflage paint on some of the Ford Island buildings.
I-58USS Besugo at Mare Island Naval Shipyard, Vallejo, California, United States, 29 Jan 1946; note USS Spadefish and USS Barbero in background
I-58's forward torpedo room, showing 21-inch tubes for the Type 95 torpedo, 28 Jan 1946USS Besugo at Mare Island Naval Shipyard, Vallejo, California, United States, 29 Jan 1946; note USS Spadefish and USS Barbero in background
Katsuragi refueling in Simpson Harbor, Rabaul, New Britain while transporting 5,000 Japanese servicemen back to the Japanese home islands, 31 Jan 1946American submarine Apogon alongside a LCVP from LST 52, circa Feb 1946
Katsuragi refueling in Simpson Harbor, Rabaul, New Britain while transporting 5,000 Japanese servicemen back to the Japanese home islands, 31 Jan 1946American submarine Apogon alongside a LCVP from LST 52, circa Feb 1946
Andrée de Jongh having just been awarded the George Medal at the Buckingham Palace, London, England, United Kingdom, Feb 1946Courtroom interior, Nuremberg, Germany, early 1946. Note Göring, Heß, Ribbentrop, Keitel, Kaltenbrunner, Dönitz, and Raeder in the dock at right.
Andrée de Jongh having just been awarded the George Medal at the Buckingham Palace, London, England, United Kingdom, Feb 1946Courtroom interior, Nuremberg, Germany, early 1946. Note Göring, Heß, Ribbentrop, Keitel, Kaltenbrunner, Dönitz, and Raeder in the dock at right.
Group of 104 German rocket scientists, including Wernher von Braun and Arthur Rudolph, at Fort Bliss, Texas, United States, 1946J. Robert Oppenheimer at the Guest House, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, United States, circa Feb 1946
Group of 104 German rocket scientists, including Wernher von Braun and Arthur Rudolph, at Fort Bliss, Texas, United States, 1946J. Robert Oppenheimer at the Guest House, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, United States, circa Feb 1946
Japanese prisoners of war aboard a repatriation ship, early 1946Koryu submarines in a partially flooded drydock at Kure Naval Arsenal, Japan, Feb 1946
Japanese prisoners of war aboard a repatriation ship, early 1946Koryu submarines in a partially flooded drydock at Kure Naval Arsenal, Japan, Feb 1946
LSM vessel being loaded with China Relief supplies at Huangpu River, Shanghai, early 1946Nagato in port, Japan, early 1946
LSM vessel being loaded with China Relief supplies at Huangpu River, Shanghai, early 1946Nagato in port, Japan, early 1946
OTwo unidentified US Army officers, Zhang Lingfu, Bai Chongxi, He Yingqin, Shi Zhongcheng, Qiu Weida, Chen Chuanjun, and Pi Xuanqiu, Nanjing, Feb 1946
O'Callahan at military mass at the high altar of Candaleria Cathedral, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil during carrier Franklin D. Roosevelt's shakedown cruise, Feb 1946; note US Marine with M1 rifle on leftTwo unidentified US Army officers, Zhang Lingfu, Bai Chongxi, He Yingqin, Shi Zhongcheng, Qiu Weida, Chen Chuanjun, and Pi Xuanqiu, Nanjing, Feb 1946

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Winston Churchill, on the RAF

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