27,685 items in this album on 1,385 pages.
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May 1945 US ration booklet page 2 | Members of the US 101st Airborne Division, 327th Glider Infantry pausing in the Bavarian Alps near Berchtesgaden, Germany for some photographs for the folks back home, before June 1945 |
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Men and M4 Sherman tank of the 382nd Infantry Regiment, US 96th Division on the Ginowan Road, Okinawa, Japan, circa Apr-Jun 1945 | Men of the US 1st Marine Division fording a muddy jungle stream at Okinawa, Japan, circa Apr-Jun 1945 |
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Mitscher and Commodore Arleigh A. Burke aboard USS Randolph off Okinawa, May 1945 | Mugshot of Martin Gottfried Weiss, 1945 |
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MXY7 Ohka Model 11 aircraft I-13, captured by Americans at Yontan airfield, Okinawa, Japan, Apr 1945, photo 1 of 2 | MXY7 Ohka Model 11 aircraft I-13, captured by Americans at Yontan airfield, Okinawa, Japan, Apr 1945, photo 2 of 2 |
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Nagoya, Japan during attack, seen from an American aircraft, 1945 | Notre-Dame de Reims cathedral, Reims, France, May 1945 |
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Official White House Portrait of US President Harry S. Truman, painted by Greta Kempton in 1945 | PBJ-1H Mitchell of Marine Squadron VMB-613 on the flight line on Kwajalein, Marshall Islands, May 1945. Note radome on starboard wingtip. |
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Personnel of a US Army bomb disposal unit with a 500-pound bomb, France, May 1945; left to right: Cpl Moore, Bill Woolfolk, McKim, Kenneth Tracy, Donald Woods, Robert Anderson, Woody Riner, Arthur Tracy, Dale Witt, Vernon Lachman | PFC Elroy Karl, PFC Joe Levy, Sgt Herbert Curtis, and Cpl Leland Wheeler working on a Hellcat fighter of US Marine Air Group 31, Yontan Airfield, Okinanwa, Japan, May 1945 |
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Polish prisoners celebrating, Dachau Concentration Camp, Germany, late Apr or early May 1945 | Pontoon bridge over the Rhine River, near Düsseldorf, Germany, May 1945 |
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Portrait of General George Patton, 1945 | Portrait of Lieutenant Commander Joseph T. O'Callahan, Apr-Jul 1945; note the US Navy Service Dress Grey uniform |
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Portrait of Lieutenant General Holland M. Smith, circa 1945 | Portrait of Tadeusz Komorowski, May 1945 |
27,685 items in this album on 1,385 pages.