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World War II Database

10 Nov 1940

Atlantic Ocean
  • Maggiore Baracca sighted two destroyers at the distance of 5,000 meters in the northern Atlantic Ocean at 1117 hours. She dove and approached, hearing three depth charges, but she was not able to get in a good attack position. Meanwhile, British destroyers HMS Jaguar, HMS Jackal, and HMS Jupiter reported an attack on an enemy destroyer in the general area at approximately 1100 hours. It was unclear whether Italian report and the British report were of the same event. Later on the same day, she was informed of an Allied convoy near her in the northern Atlantic Ocean and set sail in that direction. ww2dbase [Jaguar | Maggiore Baracca | CPC]
  • Morosini sighted an illuminated ship in the Atlantic Ocean at 0630 hours. She assumed the ship to be a neutral ship and thus did not pursue. ww2dbase [Morosini | CPC]
  • British gunboat HMS Aphis shelled Italian positions at Sidi Barrani, Egypt overnight. ww2dbase [Sidi Barrani | CPC]
  • Philippe Pétain spoke on radio, asking people to donate blankets, clothing, etc. to those in need in preparation for the predicted harsh winter. ww2dbase [Philippe Pétain | CPC]
  • In northern Greece, Greek troops continued to push Italian troops back toward the Albanian border both in the coastal region as well as in the Pindus Mountains. ww2dbase [Balkans Campaign | CPC]
Indian Ocean
  • German armed merchant cruiser Atlantis, disguised as British auxiliary cruiser HMS Antenor in the darkness before dawn, closed in on Norwegian tanker Ole Jacob in the Bay of Bengal. After a tense stand-off, the Norwegian captain decided to surrender, fearing that a gunfight might ignite the cargo of 11,000 barrels of high-octane aviation fuel. Ole Jacob was captured as a prize ship and sent first to Japan and then to France, carrying a cargo of aviation fuel and the captured prisoners from Ole Jacob and Teddy. Ole Jacob's distress signal would resulted in the dispatching of Australian cruisers Canberra, Capetown, and Durban, but they would fail to catch Atlantis. ww2dbase [Canberra (County-class) | Atlantis | Bay of Bengal | CPC]
  • In appalling weather, Flying Officer Adrian Warburton RAF flying a Maryland photographic reconnaissance aircraft from Malta made two low-level sweeps over the Italian port of Taranto, noting the names of five battleships, 14 Cruisers and 27 destroyers along with their precise locations. He flew so low that his Maryland returned to Malta with a ships radio aerial dangling from its tailwheel. On the following day, he would fly the same mission again. The information his photographs revealed was passed on to the waiting torpedo-bomber crews on board HMS Illustrious. ww2dbase [Attack on Taranto | Taranto, Puglia | AC]
  • British monitor HMS Terror departed Malta for Suda Bay, Crete, Greece to serve as a guard ship. ww2dbase [CPC]
  • British Force F made rendezvous with the Mediterranean Fleet and dropped 2,500 troops on Malta. ww2dbase [Malta Campaign | HM]
  • British convoy M. E. 3, with several empty ships, departed Malta. The convoy was detected by Italian submarine Topazio, which attempted to attack the convoy with torpedoes; all torpedoes missed. ww2dbase [Malta Campaign | HM]
  • The first delivery of much needed American aircraft to Britain commenced when seven Hudson aircraft set out from Newfoundland for Northern Ireland and all seven landed safely 10.5 hours later. This pioneering flight, led by Captain Don Bennett BOAC (later AVM, AOC No.8 (PFF) Group RAF) was undertaken by a mixed batch of service and civilian volunteer pilots of the recently created Air Ferries Department. ww2dbase [Battle of Britain | AC]
United Kingdom
  • British anti-submarine trawler HMS Kingston Alalite hit a mine and sank off Plymouth, England, United Kingdom, killing 6. ww2dbase [Plymouth, England | CPC]
  • The first Avro Manchester Mk. 1 bomber to be delivered went to No. 207 Squadron RAF (Squadron Leader Noel Challis Hyde) based at RAF Waddington in the county of Lincolnshire, England, United Kingdom. ww2dbase [Lancaster | Waddington, England | AC]
United States
  • The Director of the US Marine Corps Reserve formally integrated his organization into the regular US Marine Corps. ww2dbase [CPC]

10 Nov 1940 Interactive Map

Timeline Section Founder: Thomas Houlihan
Contributors: Alan Chanter, C. Peter Chen, Thomas Houlihan, Hugh Martyr, David Stubblebine
Special Thanks: Rory Curtis

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"No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. You win the war by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country!"

George Patton, 31 May 1944

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