24 Aug 1939
- The French Army called up its reserves. ww2dbase [CPC]
- German warship Deutschland departed Germany on a raiding mission against British shipping. ww2dbase [Deutschland | CPC]
- In Berlin, Germany, journalist William Shirer noted in his diary "it looks like war" based on his observations throughout the day. ww2dbase [Invasion of Poland | Berlin | CPC]
- M1 ferried 230 naval infantry troops of the German Navy Marinestosstruppkompanie to the battleship Schleswig-Holstein during the preparations for the invasion of Poland. ww2dbase [Invasion of Poland | M1 | CPC]
- U-23 began her first war patrol. ww2dbase [Start of the Battle of the Atlantic | U-23 | CPC]
- The British and the French delegation in Soviet Union requested further meetings with Kliment Voroshilov, who was slow to respond. ww2dbase [Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact | Moscow | CPC]
- The United Kingdom enacted emergency powers and partially mobilized the British military in preparation of war with Germany. Among the forces mobilized was the troops of General Pile's Air Defence of Great Britain (ADGB). ww2dbase [AC]
- HMS Hermes was recommissioned into service. ww2dbase [Hermes | CPC]
- The Emergency Powers (Defence) Bill was passed by the British Parliament, which bill was renewed on an annual basis throughout the war. In theory all existing laws were set aside. In future Ministers and departments would issue new regulations as Orders in Council, which would have the force of law. The Government was empowered to enter and search premises; to prosecute and punish offenders, detaining indefinitely and without trial those whose detention "appears expedient"; and to suspend or alter any existing laws. ww2dbase [London, England | AC]
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