9 Jun 1942
- The Chief of Staff of the First Air Fleet Rear Admiral Ryunosuke Kusaka and staff officers Captain Tamotsu Oishi and Commander Minoru Genda arrived aboard Yamato from light cruiser Nagara. ww2dbase [Yamato | CPC]
- SS-Obergruppenführer Reinhard Heydrich's funeral took place on this date. ww2dbase [Reinhard Heydrich | TH]
- USAAF claimed part of the credit for the American victory at Midway despite that no land-based aircraft hit any Japanese warship. ww2dbase [Battle of Midway and the Aleutian Islands | CPC]
- HMS Eagle launched 32 Spitfire fighters for Malta. ww2dbase [Eagle | CPC]
- German submarine U-502 attacked Allied convoy TO-5 35 miles northeast of Cape Blanco, Venezuela, sinking Belgian ship Bruxelles and US tanker Franklin K Lane (4 were killed, 37 survived). ww2dbase [Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico Campaigns | CPC]
- A British Catalina aircraft sank Italian submarine Zaffiro south of Palma, Majorca, Spain, killing all 47 aboard. ww2dbase [CPC]
- USS Bailey entered drydock at the Boston Naval Yard, Charlestown, Massachusetts, United States. Inspection found that the starboard shaft was bent, the starboard screw was twisted and chipped and the starboard after strut had been torn from the hull. ww2dbase [Bailey | Boston Navy Yard | DS]
- United States Navy reorganized the facilities on Kodiak Island, Aleutian Islands into a Naval Operating Base in response to recent Japanese activity in the region. ww2dbase [Kodiak | CPC]
- German submarine U-124 attacked Allied convoy ONS-100 in the middle of the North Atlantic at 0410 hours, sinking Free French corvette Mimosa with 2 torpedoes; 65 were killed, 4 survived. U-432 attacked Allied convoy BX-23A 100 miles southwest of Pubnico, Nova Scotia, Canada at 1300 hours, damaging British ship Malayan Prince and Norwegian ship Kronprinsen (1 killed); Kronprinsen was beached to prevent sinking. ww2dbase [Second Happy Time | CPC]
- At Pucheng, Fujian Province, China, US Navy Commander Milton Miles and Chinese Army Dai Li agreed to form a 50,000-strong US Navy-trained Chinese guerrilla force. Having learned that General Dai was present at Pucheng, the Japanese launched four air raids, slightly injuring Miles. ww2dbase [Milton Miles | Pucheng, Fujian | CPC]
- SS personnel under Horst Böhme, Karl Hermann Frank, and Kurt Dalüge surrounded the village of Lidice, Czechoslovakia. ww2dbase [Karl Hermann Frank | Lidice Massacre | Lidice | DS]
- German submarine U-83 sank Palestinian sailing ship Typhoon with her deck gun 4 miles southwest of Sidon, Syria-Lebanon at 1115 hours. ww2dbase [Sidon | CPC]
- A British Special Boat Service team made a textbook sabotage operation on the German Kastelli Pediados airfield on the island of Crete, Greece. Five aircraft together with nearly 200 tons of aviation fuel were destroyed by the SBS Team with delayed action bombs. ww2dbase [Crete | AC]
- USS Finback arrived at Pearl Harbor, US Territory of Hawaii. ww2dbase [Finback | Pearl Harbor Navy Base and Ford Island Naval Air Station | Honolulu, Oahu | CPC]
- German 15th Panzer Division launched an attack on the Free French troops at Bir Hakeim, Libya at 1300 hours, supported by artillery pieces and dive bombers. The French Legionaires (now reduced to half a cup of water per man per day) were cut off from the rest of the brigade, but by dusk the tenacious defenders were still hanging on desperately to their positions. ww2dbase [Battle of Gazala | Bir Hakeim | AC, CPC]
- Yugure received fuel at sea and sailed to make rendezvous with Carrier Division 4. ww2dbase [Yugure | CPC]
- All organized resistance against the Japanese invasion ceased in the Philippine Islands. ww2dbase [Invasion of the Philippine Islands | CPC]
- Failing to break Soviet defensive lines, the German offensive at Sevastopol, Russia that began two days prior was temporarily paused, instead letting aircraft and artillery pieces soften up the defensive positions further. ww2dbase [Battle of Sevastopol | Sevastopol | CPC]
- Naka departed Mako, Pescaore islands. ww2dbase [Naka | Mako Guard District | Mako, Hoko | CPC]
- USS Flying Fish arrived at Midway Atoll for refitting. ww2dbase [Flying Fish | Midway Bases | Midway | CPC]

9 Jun 1942 Interactive Map
Timeline Section Founder: Thomas Houlihan
Contributors: Alan Chanter, C. Peter Chen, Thomas Houlihan, Hugh Martyr, David Stubblebine
Special Thanks: Rory Curtis
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