Luftwaffe Bombing and Use of Gas in France
Editor's Note: The following content is a transcription of a period document or a collection of period statistics. It may be incomplete, inaccurate, or biased. The reader may not wish to take the content as factual.
15 Aug 1940ww2dbase
USSR | Reference: 3/PPDT/T35 |
From: | LONDON | |
To: | MOSCOW | |
No: | 887 | 15th Aug. 40 |
To JOHN [DZhON][i].
The press reports the following [1 group unidentified] Germans.
1. Before the main air-raid small groups of aircraft travelling ahead lay a screen of white smoke. Large groups bomb a few minutes later under cover of the smoke.
2. Single aircraft and small groups have the job of shooting up barrage balloons.
3. Ju-88's are equipped with an instrument for bringing the aircraft out of a dive and releasing bombs at the same time. The instrument operates on the aneroid principle.
4. After the German airmen from shot-down aircraft get down on the water they release a green smoke cloud which can be seen by an aircraft at a distance of about five miles.
5. The daytime raids by the dive-bombers are allegedly mounted in most cases at a height of 2,500-3,000 metres. They peel off from this height down to 1,500 metres and go into a dive.
6. The German Commandatures used small amounts of colourless and odourless gas on the MAGINOT LINE and at LIEGE. A medical man who has been treating soldiers suggests that this gas was of the araine type [MYShYaKOVO-VODORODNOGO SOSTAVA].
No. 226 | DICK [DIK][ii] |
Comments: | [i] | JOHN: Unidentified MOSCOW addresssee 6th July 1940 - 16th September 1940. |
[ii] | DICK: Covername of unidentified LONDON signatory and addressee between 6th July 1940 and 11th October 1940. |
United States National Security Agency
Added By:
C. Peter Chen
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